Chapter 13

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Monday morning came around my hair in a braid and my jeans with a white long sleeve. I didn't bother putting makeup grabbing my book bag and phone opening the curtains starring at the spot from yesterday. Nobody stood there, it was empty like usual. I slipped on my toms going down the steps to my first class waiting for Calum to walk inside. He walked in with his usual black skinny jeans, black high top converse, his maroon sweater and a beani.

He smiled at me kissing my lips having a seat taking out his notebook and pen.

" You look beautiful like always Thess." He said opening to a fresh page waiting for the teacher.

" Don't look to bad yourself Cal, the beanie is a major bonus though it suits you." He chuckled playing with my fingers well he held my hand Luke walking in still kind of awkward with me. I starred at him until he looked back cracking a smile from him, I told him were fine earning a hug.

" You should come to a get together at Harry's house tonight around seven only close friends. There's going to be food, drinks, music nothing big." Luke told both Calum and I waiting for our answer looking at us for confirmation we were going.

" Shure, I'm in what about you Cal?" I said looking back at Calum seeing him say yes when the teacher came in starting the day off with a essay.

The day went on the English test being harder then I expected most kids finishing before me. Dylan hadn't crossed my mind until I looked at my phone seeing the old messages from him. What if he was watching me right now waiting for the perfect time to attack me? Pe was short since it was snowing the field to slippery. I met up with Michael at a bread place getting some lunch walking around the campus talking.

" So, Cal told me what happened and that you told him about what happened in Australia. I'm happy for you, but I am just letting you know Harry's been really weird trying to get at Jasmine. I think he really liked you but he needs to learn he can't have someone that his friend loves." I starred ahead realizing when he had tears in his eyes, the way he starred at me.

" I didn't even realize I've been so caught up in Calum I don't really make time for anyone." He stuck a hand in his pocket shrugging his shoulders.

" Me and Sandra broke up, she moved if you haven't realized after she caught me kissing some girl. I was drunk but she took it hard leaving the school going with her parents, I don't know she wasn't really for me anyways." Sandra! I haven't even talked to her in forever since everything I'm such a bad friend.

" Where did she go?" I questioned stopping waiting for an answer.

" She went to Australia working for her dad a business he owns I don't know." I kept our walk going thinking of everyone.

" Nothing else has happened right?" I asked hoping nothing big has happened well I've been caught up in everything.

" Nope." Michael said popping the p.

" Good." I breathed a sigh of relief going down the steps reaching our destination. " Well, I'll see you later tonight." He nodded his head giving me a hug going to the other side of the buildings. My heart ached thinking of everyone I pushed away when I was with Harry. I went upstairs to my dorm unlocking the door stepping in, Calum layed on my bed throwing up a soccer ball catching it.

He looked at me smiling wearing his gray hoodie with the hood on, some black skinny jeans, and his black converse.  He came up to me giving me a huge kiss on the cheek taking my soda away drinking it. I chuckled shaking my head locking the door behind me.

" How long have you been here?" I asked well I set my bags on the floor taking my jacket off.

" An hour I thought we can go to Harry's get together together." He said sitting back on my bed drinking the last of the sprit I had.

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