Chapter 2

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As we were on the plain to London the clouds underneath us made me smile. Dylan was not going to be fine with me leaving once he finds out, if he finds out. Michael slept almost half of the plain flight, his red hair all over the place.

Some flight attendant's came by asking if I wanted some food but I had to pay so I declined. Ocean blue water was seen all over the floor as another hour flew by so I decided to plug in my head phones and listen to my music. Green Day came on a smile plastered in my face, reminding me of Michael who could sing, he was in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer.

But they haven't seen each other in a while because two of them moved to London and Michael and his other friend are on a plain there. I was happy for him he was finally going to meet up with his mates to continue everything they started. My eyes became heavy the only sound of American Idiot filling my ears as I fell asleep.



Once out flight landed Michael and I went inside the airport looking around for our luggage. Michael was looking at me as he did this confusion runing through me.

" What?" I asked him curious on why he was just looking at me.

" Nothing just realizing how strong you are to be here not scared that he's still out there." I looked at him shaking my head no.

" Michael I am far from strong I am only here because our flight to come here for college was the next day. I am scared that he'll find me Michael and he will hurt me worse then he did before." Michael hugged me as I talked to him happy I had a sort of brother figure in my life that was really my best friend.

We found our bags picking them up taking them outside to a taxi that I told Michael to call for. The taxi pulled up helping us stuff our bags in the back trunk. I asked Michael were our college is located so I could tell the driver were to go.

When we pulled up I saw huge oak trees covering the buildings, and the dark green grass covering the floor. I smiled stepping out the car grabbing my bags Michael getting his after paying the taxi driver. Girls were on blankets reading books or on their laptops, I'm glad I brought mine. A group of boys were kicking a ball back and forth laughing at the boy who fell down.

Michaels eyes were wide open dropping his bags looking at a guy with blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

" Luke!" Michael yelled running to the boy who was also running to him.

" Michael!" I smiled as they hugged other boys running to them hugging them too.

" Calum, Ashton!" He yelled hugging them I stood there smiling at the scenery in front of me. They talked for a while until Michael told them something making them all look over at me. I quickly looked down blushing that they were all looking at me.

" Thessa." Michael said my eyes looking up to meet four pairs of eyes.

" I'm Ashton." The one with deep dimples and a award winning smile said.

" I'm Luke." Said the one with blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

" And I'm Calum." Said the one who had black hair with blond highlights in his hair.

" I'm Thessa." I spoke looking at Calum who caught my attention.

" Do you have a dorm here?" Asked Ashton who was coughing.

" Yea my room number is room thirty six." I said looking down at my paper.

" Hey Cal that's Malis room number, Thessa you'll be sharing a room with Calums sis." I smiled happy I got someone who I kind of know already.

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