Chapter 5: No Girls Allowed

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Joon-suk was in the kitchen, finishing up a quick meal and offered to share. The couple joined him in silence. This wasn't normal, especially for Melody.

"What's going on?" he was curious. They exchanged glances as if encouraging the other to offer some sort of explanation.

Melody spoke up. "He found out I'm a criminal and he's not sure what to make of it," she grinned.

"What!", Joon-suk leaned in as if there were more than just the three of them in the room. "What did you do?" His eyes were wide as he gave them both a mischievous smile.

"Well I am a master programmer, so ya know..." and mirrored his mischievous smile. She had already shared this bit of information about herself when they ate together last night.

San-hoon responded with an annoyed grunt at their game. The three spent the hour talking about nothing in particular. There was excitement for their upcoming album and she was eager to see the process. Joon-suk eventually excused himself, he would be in his private study.


"What should we do?" he asked. She suggested an in-depth tour of his only private space.

Spinning around in the plush office style chair, she followed him through the room as he pointed out the various items in his study. Collectibles he had purchased from the various places they visited for concerts, books he enjoyed reading. She asked about the books, it was her favorite thing, especially if she was unfamiliar with the title. They enjoyed similar genres, she actually didn't care for love stories, but mysteries and thrillers.

"I like a book that keeps me guessing or teach me something" she confessed. Mysteries intrigued her since it aligned with her love of problem solving, discovering the mystery of bad code.

She followed him back down the hall to a sitting area, which included a couch, several plush chairs, big enough for two people squeezed together, and a television. It was adjacent to the kitchen. The guys didn't have much opportunity to veg in front of the TV, but they had a few favorites. Men On A Mission, which was a favorite of hers, was about to air, so they decided to watch together.

She was able to follow along and laughed at the banter between the hosts and guests. When the show was over, they discussed their favorite episodes and moments. She asked about the particular guests, who she wasn't entirely familiar with, and if certain aspects of the show were a big part of the South Korean culture, especially some of the games they played. She loved that the winners, it made her hungry.

Speaking of hungry, her tummy suddenly grumbled. They decided to order in for dinner, inviting Joon-suk to join them. The three watch an episode of the current k-drama before Joonie headed to bed. They never made him feel unwanted, but he could tell they would enjoy the time alone.

Melody and San-hoon spent the night fast asleep on the couch with the TV the only light source. She had eventually stretched out, using his leg for a pillow, before falling asleep half way through the second show. He stroked her hair, examining her face again. What would they do now, he wondered as his own head gently laid against the back of the couch, he just needed to rest his eyes.


Sunday morning he drove her home, but she wouldn't be staying. She grabbed her computer and some clothes. He wanted, had insisted, that she stay in the guest room. While the rest of the group would be home later that night, their real work wouldn't demand too much of his time for a couple more of days. Just knowing she was in the building would be enough.

He wore sunglasses and a hat to help disguise himself as he followed her up to her apartment. It was a single studio but she had kept it clean and tidy. He examined her few items, especially the large cork board on the wall while she took a quick shower. There were several sheets of programming neatly lined up and pinned. He could see where she had marked, highlighted and made notes. He was impressed, because it looked like nothing but a jumble of numbers, letters and symbols.

He Liked Her ShoesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora