Chapter 7: Trouble in Seoul

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They had an amazing trip to Jeju Island. It was more spectacular than Melody had even imagined. The water was so beautiful and Mount Hallasan could be seen from almost any point. The island allowed for endless activities and the local food was divine. Of course the various IT companies that called the island headquarters blew her mind. What a place to work!

The couple returned Sunday, early evening. They shared the ride to her apartment, then he would continue on to the studio. He had wanted to stay, but she knew he had a busy week ahead and would need to rest. The cab waited as he walked her to the front door of her building with a long kiss good-bye.

As he waited, the driver thought the man looked familiar, but he just couldn't connect the face with a name. Since the couple had spoken English, he could only understand a few words, so he wasn't able to deduce anything more.

The handsome man stared out the window, a joyful smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye. As the driver occasionally viewed his passenger from his mirror, his mind desperately tried to remember where he had seen his face before. While he never could place the name with the face, he did know one thing was certain; he was in love with that young woman.


The week began in full force. The band had already chosen the 12 songs and theme for their next album. Now began all the steps that would end with the last concert: producing the music, dance routines, recording, planning the tour, and the four music videos that would accompany the album.

Sleeplessness, fatigue, ache and stress were about to become close friends again and they would annoyingly over stay their welcome. But San-hoon wanted nothing more than to be with Melody. She had insisted on staying at her own apartment, traveling on her own, and working the next two projects James had sent for her. She had also been dispatched to work with another company on the outskirts of the city. Her third week in Seoul would find her working more than vacationing, so he should just focus on the album, she had insisted.

He wasn't so easily put off. The first night he waited until his roommates were soundly asleep. He crept out of the room, back to his study to call Melody. She picked up with the first ring.

"Hi," she was surprised to be getting his call. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I miss you."

He could hear her smile, "I miss you. But you need your rest. Please go back to sleep."

"Are you at the cafe? How long will you be there?"

"No!", she said sternly, "You are not coming here. Go to bed, I mean it. I'm hanging up." Then before ending the call, she ever so sweetly whispered, "Sweet dreams handsome."

Tuesday night he excused himself to his room as soon as they finished eating. He waited until he knew they'd all be in their studies before heading to bed. If he didn't show up, they'd assume he was still working. Plus they were all so exhausted that sleep would be his accomplice.

He quickly made his way out of the building, using the stairs instead of the elevator. He was afraid they might hear the notable "ding" when the doors opened. He walked to the garage instead of having his car valeted to the front, and drove to Melody.

"How was your day?" was the first thing she asked when she answered his call.


"Are you okay?" His voice sounded a little distant.

"I was just wondering if you're going to finish that tea?" He watched her searching the front of the cafe, finally spotting him standing at the door. Her reaction melted his heart as she jumped up from the couch, almost dropping her laptop. She twisted the lock so he could enter, hugging him with a squeal before grabbing his hand to drag him inside.

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