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"Rodrick, give it back" you whined as he held your precious book high above your head. He laughed, "nah"

He booked it down the hall, book in arms. You tried to chase him but the highschool hallway began to get crowded and you lost him. Feeling defeated you returned to your locker and sat down next to it. Hes such a dick. Rodrick had stolen your diary/sketchbook, which was very embarrassing cause you wrote and drew so much in there.

"Oh shit" you remembered your most recent page where you'd drawn a small sketch of your crush and how much u liked him. Him being Rodrick. You blushed and put your hands on your face. "Ugh" the last period bell rung and you slugged to your last class.

Rodrick skipped last period and hid behind the bleachers. He always wondered what you were doing with this book. You always seemed to pay more attention to it then to him, which admittedly made him a bit jealous. He flipped to the first page and saw a few sketches of flowers and a few notes written next to them.

"Boring" he flipped past a few more pages, noticing more and more writing about personal topic, he was nosey but nothing was catching his eye, until the last page. There was a sketch of,,, him. He absolutely knew it was him cause it said his name. He read the entry next to the sketch.

"Rodrick literally did the hottest thing today and it made me fall 4 him even more wtf. Ok,, well it prolly wasnt that hot to anyone but me but like when he pretended to play the drums I jus felt like melting. Idk jus sumthing about him is so hot and like UGGHHHH. How is he so cute. Hes literally the perfect dude ever, I wish I could jus go up to him and kiss him. But he doesn't like me unfortunately. Like understandable but ugh I wish I was prettier then maybe guys would like me, especially Rodrick <3"

Rodrick blushed and he felt shaken. He had liked you for awhile and couldnt believe that you had any of the same feelings. He pulled out his phone and texted you.

Meet me by the van
aftr skool
                                     Ur an asshole

He smiled at your text, normally texts like that would make his stomach churn, but now he knows that you like him so it didnt hurt anymore.

You walked out of your class, not ready to meet Rodrick, praying that he didnt go through the book. You walked out to the parking lot and spotted his van. He was leaning against it looking through his phone. Your face felt hot but you tried to ignore it.

You walked over to him. "Hey" you stood in front of him. He put his phone down, still leaning against the van. His eyes meeting yours then slowly leading down to your lips. "What are you doing?" You questioned him. "Nothing" he handed you the book and pushed his lips against your.

His hands met your red hot cheeks as you melted into the the kiss, his lips were chapped but warm. Exactly as you'd imagined. You smile into the kiss and then separated. "You read it huh" you looked down.

"Yeah, sorry about that" he smiled. "I didnt know I was "the perfect guy"" you blushed and looked up at him.

"Shut up asshole." He brought you into a hug. Putting his head atop yours. "This is gonna sound really corny but, y/n I like you. I've liked you for a really long time and when I read what you wrote about me I was happy."

He was warm to the touch. "Hey Rodrick"


"Can you give me a ride home? I missed the bus" he laughed. "Wow, maybe what I wrote in my journal wasnt true."

"Heyy! You're mean" he pouted and playfully punched your arm. "Come on. Let's get going" he hopped in the drivers seat and started the car.

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