Not Ready

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The doctor said everything looked perfect and that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Originally she was worried about high blood pressure, due to high stress. My doctor is aware of the situation with my husband. Every time Jin and I come in she tells us that we are her favorite people.

Jin convinced me not to go look at that apartment, So I called and told the landlord that I was no longer interested. We headed to the grocery store after my appointment. We needed to pick up some more food and a few medicines, such as my prenatal vitamins. Jin was babying me again wanting to take me home before going, but I wanted to go.

We walk into the grocery store with Jin as he grabs a cart pushing it in front of me. We begin walking through the aisles, adding the things from the grocery list into the cart. As we continue walk through the aisles some catches my eye. I look over at the potato chips at the bright green bag that caught my eye. I hear Jin chuckle behind me.

Seokjin: "Did you find something interesting?"

"Huh, oh do you think we could get these?"

I grab the bag of dill pickle potato chips off of the shelf. He laughs as he grabs the bag from me putting it in the cart.


We continue to walk around when I get hit with a strange craving, my first one of my pregnancy to be exact. I walk away from Jin and walk to the aisle with the pickles. I grab a large jar of zesty garlic pickles spears, before leaving the aisle to find the one contains peanut butter. I walk into the aisle and grab a jar of peanut butter. I feel my phone begin to vibrate in my back pocket. I put both jars into one arm and pull my phone out of my pocket. I answer the incoming call from Jin.


Seokjin: "Where did you go?! "

"Jin why are you freaking out? I went to grab something I was craving. Where are you? I will come meet you."

Seokjin: "I am next to the meats in the back, do you need help carrying anything?"

I laugh at little at Jin's constant worry.

"Jin it's two jars, I am fine. I will be there in a second."

I hang up the phone and slide it back into my back pocket and begin my walk to the meat section. I walk up to Jin looking at all the large selection of meats. I place both of the jars in the cart receiving a small smile from Jin.

Seokjin: "Pickles and peanut butter?"

"Yes I want pickles dipped in peanut butter, are you judging the pregnant woman?"

He laughed and put his hands up in defeat. We laugh and we continue to walk around the store. I occasionally sneak something into the cart, knowing full well that he saw me do it each time but wasn't going to yell at me.

We get back to his house and he refused to let me help carry things in. He allowed me to put things away this time. Once we finished putting things away I grab the jar of pickles and the peanut butter along with a spoon and go to sit down in the living room. I sit on the floor not wanting to get peanut butter or pickle juice on the couch.

I turn on the television looking for a tv show to watch while I snacked. I select one of my favorites from when I was a teenager. A little while later I hear Jin call from the kitchen?

Seokjin: "Where are you at?"

"Living room."

Jin walked in and handed me my phone.

Seokjin: "It's been ringing like crazy."

I look at the screen to see my father has called me 13 times and I have multiple texts asking me to call him. I tapped the "call back" button and the phone rang a few times before he answered.

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