Chapter 10

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Peter woke up the next morning in a sober mood, he was laying to rest a good friend but that didn't make it any less bad, get dressed in His Uncles suit he remembered the last time he wore this, Tony's funeral, Him and Ben's were still fresh in his mind, he remembered everything about the two, the food to the perfume May wore that day to the look Pepper had on her face as she put the last part of her husbands heart out into the lake by the house. 

Driving with May to Betty's was quiet, with the death they had both seen over the last couple of years made it harder for the both of them, but it was harder for her, she had lost him for five years during the blip she was alone lost him and Ben in two years. Arriving he got out of the car walking towards May's window kissing her on the cheek and continuing to grab Betty, he got to the door and knocked having small flashbacks to what happened the last time he did this. 

Hail Cooper opened the door look at Peter with mild displeasure he didn't like Peter even when he was younger and now that he would disappear and come back with bruises marked all over his body he didn't want him anywhere near his daughter. 

"Hey Mr. Cooper, how are you?" Peter asked. 

"Fine thank you, Betty's upstares finishing getting ready." Hail said with a monotone expression. Walking into the house and up the stairs. He saw Polly's room door open and could see Mrs. Cooper crying into one of Polly's favourite sweaters. God did he miss Polly she would stand up for him whenever he would come over and she taught him how to be less uptight about everything. Opening Betty's door he saw her in a black dress and leather jacket. 

"You look beautiful," he said. She turns around walking over to him. 

"Thanks, tiger," Betty said, looking him over she noticed that he hadn't tied his tie yet. 

"Thought May would have made you a respectable man by now and yet you show up with no tie," she said well tying his tie. 

"Yeah, but I thought that was your job." He smirked back. She finished with his tie then kissed him soundly on the lips. 

"You ready to enter the belly of the beast?" Pete asked. 

"Yeah," she responds.

As people began to enter the blossom residents Hermonie lodge walked up to Penelope Blossom to offer condolences. 

"Hi. Penelope, I just want to offer my condolences." Hermione said. 

"Hermione, that's so kind," Penelope responded. 

"Hmm. You think you're so clever coming here and offering your pity? The older Blossom snared. 

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked. 

"So you've come to gloat?" Penelope replied angrily. 

"With warmest regards from your husband, I'm sure."

In the blossom twin's room, we see Veronica and Cheryl finishing preparations for Jason's memorial. 

"You ready?" Veronica asked. 

"Just about," Cheryl said. "You go ahead. I'll be down." 

"Okay," V responded. 

Cheryl stood there looking in the mirror, thinking about everything that had happened that day, she looks at her dresser and saw the beautiful white dress she had worn the day it happened and thought. 

Later as everyone was taking their seats where the gang was waiting for everything to start, Archie was looking at Jason's jersey, the couch had given him the chance to be captain but he turned it down because he couldn't give them his one hundred percent commitment. He saw Penelope Blossom coming down the way and he knew what he had to do. Walking up to her he spoke. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Blossom. I thought you might want to have this." he showed the jersey to her. 

She looked at him like a mother would a son it freaked him out a bit when she reached to touch his hair. 

"You're so much like him," she said as she touched his hair. "Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Archibald," 

she said walking away from him. When Archie was back with his friends Jughead was the first to speak. 

"Did she just touch your hair?" Jughead asked. 

"That was sweet what you did," Betty said contouring Jughead. 

"She deserves it. More than I do," said Archie. 

The next thing shocked them all just as the memorial began people watch as Cheryl Blossom showed up in the same white dress that she had worn the day Jason left. Everyone wasn't sure what to say, they were all in a state of shock. She started her eulogy. 

"Welcome to Thornhill. Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats. I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason. The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's im--." Peter had zoned her out. 

As he was following the head of the Blossom family across the room he was sweating like a dog and kept pull at his colour he didn't even notice as Cheryl was being pulled away by her mother. 

"Pete, you good," Jughead asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jug, could you maybe go into the room with Betty and tell me everything you find." 

"Yeah of course man," Jughead said. 

Peter got up and followed the Blossom man hoping he could find out what was up. Hiding behind a banister he could see that Mr. Blossom was on the phone with someone, but he couldn't make out the whole conversation. 

"Are you insane bring it to Riverdale, I spent a from chin just trying to get "the black" off of Oscorp and you want to bring it here?" Peter's eyes widened the black was here. His dad's life's work it could finally be back where it belonged. 

"Okay fine, we'll bring it to our lab but we need to get this on the down-low nobody can know." Peter felt the o-so familiar tingle in the back of his head warning that someone was close by. He latched onto the ceiling seeing that one of the Blossoms many guards. "

Sir, I think it's time you get back to the memorial," with anger he stomped away leaving his phone unlocked and easy to steal. Opening up his palm he activated his web shooter and grabbed the phone leaving the house and heading back to Pembroke. As he made his way back he couldn't help but wonder, is Eddie Brock Jr still alive, he hadn't seen him since they were kids but maybe if he got a hold of him he could track the suit better.

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