Chapter 17

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Betty and Polly sat outside their house as the police searched the area. Polly was bouncing up and down with questions, like why was there a giant Lizard in their house, was Peter Spider-man and how long has Betty known. Well, this was going through her head she didn't hear her sister's phone ring and Betty got up and left.

Betty looked at her phone after getting far enough away and picked up seeing her boyfriend's caller. 

"Hey," she heard on the line. 

"Hey, you okay," She asked. 

"Yeah, Yeah. Do you remember when I showed you my notes on the Lizard DNA cocktail?" He asked her in a whisper. 

"Yeah, I do." 

"Ok good. Go to our lab, get into the computer and there's a blue cocktail file A07-298." He finished. 

"Ok yeah bye," she hung up and began the slow trek to the school.

Peter came around a corner with his wrist out and spider-tracer active. He was following Conner's for hours and It was like a maze down here. He looked at his wrist to see that Conners had stopped right in front of him. He looked up and saw Conners underground lab, it had everything Curt needed to create the serum and he could create a lot of it. He set his backpack down by one of the chairs and walked to an open computer and saw a video recording of Conners himself. He looked more Lizard than human now one eye was a permanent slit well the other was human. Peter started the video and watched it.

(A/N start music here)

"I spent my life as a scientist trying to create a world without weakness, without outcasts. I sought to create a stronger human being, but there's no such thing. Human beings are weak, pathetic, feeble-minded creatures. Why be human at all when we can be so much more? Faster, stronger, smarter! This is my gift to you." Peter watches as a simulation shows Conners taking Ganali Device to the top of the Oscorp building and setting it off. 

"Oscorp," Peter breathed knowing that before Conners could set his plan in motion he'd have to go back to the lab which Betty was in.

Betty ran through the school making her way to Peter's lab about to begin on the antiserum.

On the other side of town, people watch as Spider-man comes flying out of a swear great and moves up the wall and towards Riverdale high. "Call Betty Cooper," Peter said to his suit. 

Betty was sitting by the heating element watching as the timer on the computer ticked down on how long the antidote would have to cook for. Her foot was bouncing up and down when her phone rang, she picked it up to hear her boyfriend's voice. 

"Hey, where are you?" He asked as he ran across the rooftops.

 "I'm at the school," She answered. 

"You have to get out of there right now, okay?"

 "The antidote is cooking." She said looking at the timer for eight minutes. 

"No, no, no! Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now. He means to disperse them with the device, he's gonna infect the whole city!" He said starting to ramble. 

"There are eight minutes left," she said looking back. 

"You're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you? People are gonna die! You leave right now! Listen, that is an order! Okay?" he told her. 

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