Intro & Chapter One

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I sat there in the worn cushion seat wondering what the hell I was supposed to do for the next 18 hours before everybody else got here. Everybody else as in the freaks my parents made me associate with. Not that they were all bad, and not that I could judge, but I could assume based on what kind of parent would send their kids here. The kind of parenting that would encourage them to graduate highschool in April, so that they could attend a ludicrous and high end two month finishing academy to end the year. One that teaches the final touches of what it means to be a well rounded person of society in their eyes. Stupid. My sister came here a few years ago. She said the two month program completely changed her life. You can imagine how much that validated my parents decision of sending her here. All I noticed was she could probably drop kick me across the house and then pin my shirt to the wall with a knife if she wanted to. She came back good at those kinds of things. She said she hit the gym a lot. But I knew better, I figured there were some random ass things that happened here.

She said we were all assigned different professors to monitor us. Instead of having homeroom, professors were assigned a handful of attendees to observe and keep on track. I figured that must suck- teaching whatever course they have to teach, and on top of that, keeping an eye on young adults to make sure they're well equipped to go out into the world? By their ridiculous and secretive standards? It sounded like a no to me.

Though it had been my only company since my parents dropped me off, the humming of the air conditioner was starting to drive me crazy. My parents decided that surely someone would be up here before the session started and we all had to sign in. They really thought it would be okay to leave me here a day before academy started. They said I might even make some friends. Yeah, whatever. What they really wanted was to make their flights for their out of country vacation without worrying if i would bail on this several week prison.

They wouldn't have been wrong.

Bored without any technology or books, I considered going on a walk around the building a few times, but it was storming very heavily outside; so much so, that the thunder would make the yellow lights hanging above me flicker every once in a while.

"Hello?" I heard a guy's voice coming around the corner, "Hello? is anyone here?"
His keys rattled as he got closer.

I sat up in my seat waiting to meet whoever it was. Maybe, I would have a friend to help pass the hours afterall.
Unless, he was a freak like previously discussed. Then I'd stick it alone.

"Hello?- oh hi," he smiled as he stepped into my line of vision.

And, oh my god. I was hoping he was not a complete freak because he was beautiful; Tall and toned- definitely more than the average muscle mass, but definitely not the gross kind of jacked. He had short, dark brown hair that he swooped up and to the side.  And his eyes...his eyes were so blue they were almost silver; glaring and charming. He was looking right at me and I didn't want him to stop. He had a 4'oclock shadow coming in, and I wondered how even more beautiful he'd be once it grew it out.

In a panic, I noticed I was staring and gulped.

"Hi," I laughed.

"Aha, hi, im James B. Stanley. Are we the only ones here? My father had said to get here early for some reason? I guess he's worried about me making a good impression," he looked around at the buzzing and flickering lights and set his duffel bag down across from me. His waterproof jacket had beads of water falling off of it and he shook it out before sitting down.
It made me take a deep breathe.

"Well, so far, I think youre making a great impression."
I let my voice go light and playful- wondering if he was someone I wanted to flirt with. If I could flirt with. When he didnt seem amused, I cleared my throat and said, "yeah, I think we are the only ones, I guess when it said it starts tomorrow it really does just start tomorrow. No preperations needed to be made or anything. It's weird. I would think they'd want to set up something before it starts. What would I know though, I'm new here."

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