Part 6

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Everything was getting easier. Entering our seventh sense, and the flow of James' and I's relationship. Wombo- the man with the grey ponytail- was our assigned observer, but we looked at him more as an adopted, kooky grandfather figure than anything.

He was a little bit crazy, but he was wise. He had helped us so much, within the first four days of us being at Mesmer, he had decided it was time to start with our other trainings.

And how do you go about starting your other trainings without starting with the most important one- physical.

Wombo had us facing each other on a black mat.

"Being in tune with one's body is an important factor you must possess before being assigned a mission. For, if you do not know how your body moves, and what it takes to push yourself to the edge, the seventh sense will only be able to take you so far." He smiled at us both, and waved us closer to each other like we were in a boxing ring.

"Fight," he said.

I broke whatever stance I was holding, "I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me, dear girl, fight."

"I'm not fighting her," James interjected.

"James, yes. You will fight her. You two are meant to be connected to each end of one string. How will you know how to ebb and flow with one another if you do not do this? You must know how to fight your enemies together, and you two can not do that unless you know how each other fights first. Know how one another will move and think next. Yes?" He prodded us, like we had no choice but to agree because we all knew everything he said was correct.

"Wombo, I don't know how," I said.

He laughed, "We will work on your techniques later, dear one. For now, fight."

I looked at James and he tilted his head like, what else are we gonna do.

I bent my knees and started walking towards James, I took several deep breaths trying to bring my seventh sense image to mind. I saw it. Me and James standing in a dark void. My breathing becomes louder in my ears until I opened my eyes and everything was crystal clear. I threw a punch and James caught my fist with his hand, he quickly turned my arm and kicked at my legs, and the next thing I knew I was laying on my back, all the air knocked out of me.

My seventh sense clarity was gone, and I was left seeing dots flash across my eyes.

"Fuck. Miah, I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you up." James already had my hand in his when I heard Wombo say, "Dear one, fight."

I quickly grabbed his arm with both my hands, and twirled myself to where my legs could kick his stomach, sending him back.

I got up and watched him groan on the ground.

"I was trying to be nice." He muttered.

A laugh came out of Wombo.

"NICE? Not in a fight, my boy. That could get you killed."

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