Part 4

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Whitlock was right. I did love my new room. It was almost like a large studio. There was living area and kitchen on one side, though Greta said meals were normally served to us at meal times or upon request—James laughed at the thought of a kitchen used simply for decoration— and my bed was on the other side of the room. The walls were glass, and I had the option to observe the training areas below me If I wished. Whitlock assured me it was like a one way mirror, I could see out and no one could see in. He also mentioned there was a panel full of buttons located near the bedside table if I wished to simply turn the walls black. I liked the black reflection. I thought it looked nice next to all the bright green plants stationed around my living quarters.

They told us to get some sleep, and I realized the tour of me and James' not sought after new reality had taken us through the afternoon into the late evening. It was weird how I felt obligated to do this crap I just found out about. I didn't feel forced. But I felt pressured by merely being chosen. I guess that's why the program works. They honor people by making them feel special, and by doing so, their recruits end up curious about what they could accomplish here. Where it would take them in life, and what exactly the missions of Mesmer entailed. That's what it was for me anyways.

I laid wrapped in the light grey covers that night thinking about what was expected of me- of us. Me and James. James and I. My heart fluttered as I thought of some of Whitlock's last words... You will know every beginning and end to one another.
The thought made me shudder.

I woke up, showered in the waterfall of a shower, ate a few bites of the toast that was waiting for me at the bar, and I felt like everything was almost normal.

It wasn't until I walked out to the common area of the dormitories that it hit me. The words chosen and secret organization kept ringing in my ear. That, and the word training, echoed on repeat. Like my mind was a metal tunnel, and it had just been shouted through a megaphone.

James met me at the entrace of metal door labeled 254 before lunch. Just as Whitlock had told us to do.
He smiled at me in a way he hadn't smiled at me since we first.
"Happy late birthday," he said.
I blushed. I actually had forgotten about that.
"So, uh, you ready for whatever this is?" He nudged me with his shoulder.

"I'm not sure. I think I'm still in shock that this is actually happening. I think that's why I'm so willing to agree to it."

He laughed.

"Yeah...yeah. I was there for a while last night. But, the more I thought about it, the more it actually made sense. Looking back at how my dad acted about it all through the years," He shrugged. "I guess after the first initial, what the fuck is this shit, phase happened... I think I got kind of excited. I don't know. Excited enough to be standing here." He smiled at me again, and from the corner of his eye, I saw him look me up and down.

Thankfully, the door opened, and we heard a voice gesturing us inside. My stomach was busy doing flips, and I had a feeling it wouldn't let me speak even if I wanted to. We stepped inside, and my first reaction was to let my jaw hang open. It was beautiful. There were palm trees in the corners of the room. The walls were again glass, but they were reflecting us like mirrors this time. The lights above shone a bright yellow as if imitating the sun outside.

"Ana, James, welcome." A fairly short man with a grey ponytail nodded at us.
"Here, is where the training begins." I watched him walk to a section of the wall and push on it. A secret compartment immediately slid out, and in it was a row of solid black headphones.

"They must be really big on music around here," James muttered.

The man laughed, apparently having supersonic hearing, "I wish that's what these were for. But I think what these have to offer will be of far greater value to you in the longrun." He handed us each a pair and told us to sit in the middle of the room with our backs pressed to each other.

Once again, I was surprised by how quickly I obeyed and didn't question orders.

"Here at Mesmer, you will be equipped with training of various sorts. But this is the most important training of all. "

He clicked a button on the remote he was holding.

Suddenly, a pitch of vibration filled my ears. I couldn't tell if it was high or low, but through the obnoxious ringing, I almost found it soothing.

"What you're hearing is what we call perfect frequency. A sound discovered that unlocks a part of your brain that most people never have access to. This training unlocks your seventh sense. It makes your thoughts faster and your motions quicker. It brings you to a state of complete focus. When this training is done right, it will unleash the greatest qualities and skills you possses. Are you ready to begin?"

We nodded yes.

"We will start with the speakers then progress to the head gear. I think you will find it interesting how differently you take it when the frequency is so close to your eardrum. Everyone is different in the way they embrace it. But firstly, I need you both to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine this room. Invision it as closely as you can all while tuning in to the sound. Let your body move as it wishes. Lose all tension. "

I immediately felt james hand brush against mine.
I took another deep breath and closed my eyes.
I saw the palm trees in the corner and tried to picture how the golden light mimicked the sun's rays.

When it was time to open them again, I realized I was drenched in sweat.
I looked around me and felt disoriented.

The man with the ponytail nodded. "Good. Very Good. Now, when I am done speaking, place your headphones on, stay back to back, and enterlock arms. I want you to ebb and flow with what you hear. Let the frequency take you wherever it takes you. It's different for everyone. I will not give examples for fear of it influencing your initial thoughts. Are you ready? You may prepare to enter your perfect frequency. I'll switch on the sound when you're situated." He held the remote close to his chest waiting for us to act on his orders.

Me and James placed our headphones on, and interlocked arms. I felt him sigh against my back, both of us hearing nothing. I watched our reflection on top of the ceiling until I was shocked by a sharp inhale. The switch had been turned on, and I felt it. The sound of the frequency somehow vibrated through my ears onto my skin, sending a jolt of electricity through my spine.

Though my eyes were closed, I knew my subconscious had come to life and was falling through the pitch black. When it stopped and my conscious opened its eyes in the reverie, all I saw was him. The same tall, dark haired, semi-scruffed, shining, light blue eyed boy I first met when I was here.
Everything was dark except me and James.

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