Chapter 44

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AN: Hey! The chapter you've all been waiting for!! And it comes with a theme song :) I hope you guys like it!
Song- "Chosen Family" by Rina Sawayama feat. Elton John


We got back to the Court of Dreams and healers swarmed around Azriel and I when they saw the blood. And standing among them was my father.

Tears in his eyes, he approached Azriel and lifted a hand to brush some hair from my face. His violet eyes darkened as he saw how malnourished I must have looked and the blood on my face.

"Feyre is at the House." I whispered. "I'll be alright. You go to her."

He looked at me for a while longer, then pressed a kiss to my forehead and said softly, "Get better quickly, Adrianna."

Then, Azriel carried me to a room and gently laid me on a bed and refused to leave my side as the healers gently pried the arrow from my shoulder blade and I cried out in pain, squeezing Azriel's hand tightly.

The wound was cleaned and wrapped thoroughly, then the healing began. They helped me sit up for this part, and cleaned off my face of all the blood and healed my nose, which was an easy fix. One of the healer's hands touched my stomach and they jumped and looked at me.

I froze. "Th-That's enough healing for now. Thank you." I said and they merely bowed and left the room.

As soon as they were gone, I looked to Azriel, and he lifted his hands to my cheeks and leaned in and gently kissed my lips, forehead, and cheeks. He then pressed the gentlest of kisses to my nose. I reached for his scarred hands and kissed them, a small smile on my face.

"Azriel." I said softly.

"Adrianna." He replied, pressing his forehead to mine.

My smile turned a bit sly as I tugged at the tassels on his tunic, sticking out from his Illyrian armor he had half taken off. "Remember that night before Hybern we spent together?"

He smirked. "How could I ever forget that night?"

I tightened my hold on his hands and said, "I got sick a lot in Spring. And I mean a lot. Almost every morning. It started about three days later. I also had to stop drinking wine. A pity, really, I'm sure Spring Court wine from a palace would have been better than any tavern."

His eyebrow drew together. "What are you saying? Are you sick?"

I smiled softly, then lifted his hand and pressed it to my stomach. "No. I'm not sick." I said.

His eyes widened as his hand covered the slight bump just below my rib cage. He sucked in a sharp breath and he looked at me, hazel eyes filling with tears, and a smile lighting up his face. "You''re pregnant?"

I smiled and tears began to spill down my cheeks and I nodded. "Yes. I am."

He stared at me in shock, lifting his other hand to my stomach and keeping his hands rested there.

"You're going to be a dad, Azriel." I said softly and he met my eyes, and he lifted his hands to my face and kissed me. I kissed him back, arms coming up around his neck. He pulled away and he looked at me, a tear sliding down his cheek as he smiled.

"It's mine?"

I kissed him all over his face and wiped his tears away. "Yes, you goof. You really got me that last night before we left." I winked at him and he growled something unintelligible as he whispered against my cheek,

"Perhaps I should do it again some time."

My fave went as red as my hair and I pushed on his shoulder. "Mhm. Maybe we can give this one a little brother or sister."

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