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"What Does Yumeko Think Of You? & Sees you as?" (Yumeko Version)

A/N: we did ririka First you can also check it out!


Aries: Close Friend
: she thinks your gambling skills are impressive almost as good as her.

Taurus: Friend
: Not Really Close With You But You Guys do share food with each other. You guys would just cuddle each other sometimes. If you feel lonely

Gemini: A Friend
Since your Attitude is similar to Mary, she would be clingy to you & A bit annoying XD.

Cancer: Best Friend & Also Her gambling Partner.
: Your her gambling partner! When it comes to those type of gambling games that needs 2 people per team to play! You guys would eat lunch together & After school she would give you a ride to your house.

Leo: a developing Close Friend
: she finds you kinda Fierce but she likes it also! You always tell her about your [ your Habits ] she's always surprised by it & cuddles you alot!

Virgo: a sibling
You guys are kinda similar she treats : you like sibling love, you guys would have alot of sleepovers! & Watch Shows Together, mostly on gambling because you always let her choose.

Libra: a Stranger
: Too bad, she doesn't really know you that much but would like to gamble you to see how good you are! & Maybe wants to become friends!

Scorpio: a sibling
: You guys have similar personality except for the Gambling satisfaction. You also like the thrill of many of things but your not as addicted to them that much.

Sagittarius: a best friend
: You guys would cuddle & hangout so much with her other friends! & Sometimes gamble against each other but for fun not really betting anything- I guess food XD

Capricorn: a stranger
(Like Libra, just read Libra part)

Aquarius: a close friend
: You always understand her Gambling addiction she would always try to invite you to join the thrill but you would decline & just watch! You find it fun watching her play it's always interesting seeing her play. You would always treat her

Pisces: a frenemy
(Frenemy meaning: Friends & enemies at the same time)

: You guys would always gamble against each other! But most of the time you lose because she's one of the best gamblers in the school.
Most of the time, you would get mad & wanted to hurt her & she gives you a death stare.

am so sorry-
I'll try posting another chapter later!
This one or the next one will be the last one for today. Then the others will be back by tomorrow!

I hope you guys at least somehow enjoy this, I think this book is bad cause it's my First Ever Book published.

See y'all!

See y'all! -CherishGabby

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