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found you.

Bustling hallway chatter, scattered & sporadic footsteps throughout every direction. Boys and girls running after or away from their assigned partners. Some afraid of being bitten into and drained of the deep red fluid, the others eager to bite into their terrified blood supply for the year.

You couldn't help but be a little amused of the brutal game of cat & mouse that the entire school seemed to be playing simultaneously. Men and women scuttling around hiding, chasing, screaming, running, pleading, begging, crying— oh, how fun.

You removed yourself from the crowd surrounding the suddenly awfully small piece of paper that —some would say decided their fate— hung from the tiniest pin. Bag still slung over one shoulder, clothes a bit more disarray from pushing through the dense mass of students, and file—

...no longer in your hand. Oh well, it was a lost cause now. You weren't going to dive back in and risk getting trampled on for a few loose pieces of lined paper. It was only two or three pages anyways. You would redo it back at home later on.

Turning away towards a different hallway leading to your next period, you look to the watch on your wrist.

A small huff blew past your lips as you mentally went threw your schedule which you essentially had burned into your brain. Math, Arts, English Lit. and then I'm done for the day. Hm, wonder when one of them will find me...

Blowing a stray strand of hair out of your face as you stretch & rest your arms behind your head. Yours eyes closed for a brief moment of peace, taking step by step by step.

And then you're knocked off your feet. Nudged hard by a fellow student running for her life. She was essentially half way through deaths door with how petrified she looked. Hair disheveled as a broom stick, face completely drained of colour with her eyes dilated. Unfazed with what she did as she continues to run around corners.

Her school shoes squeaking against the shiny floors as she skids around corners hoping to get a foot ahead of her chaser. Speaking of—

As you picked yourself off your ass and gathered what loose change and miscellaneous fell out of your shallow & useless pockets, you spot a man walk around the corner. He was unbothered, his uniform neat and tucked, the blazer missing making it just the white button and tie. Hands tucked into his pockets as his shoes click against the floor.

Click, click, click.

The steps stop directly in front of you as you picked up coins off the ground. You are faced with the sight of his spotlessly clean shoes and perfectly non-wrinkled pants as you gathered the last of your items. Well, mostly yours anyways. That girl seemed to drop her lunch money. Oopsies.

Finally standing back up to your feet with a bruises starting to form on your knees, you look at the man who seemed to be waiting for you to be decent.

"Can I help you with something?" Or do you just like watching people grovelling at your feet?

Was the complete version of what you wanted to say, but you kept the latter part to yourself. Seeing clearly as he was a prestigious student and probably high up on the ladder of power. You just weren't sure how high.

"...I'm looking for someone by the name (Y/N) (L/N)." Mild hesitation in his voice.

You spot his pointed pearly whites as he spoke with clarity. Mildly disoriented at someone who seemed so organised and put together hesitate over a lower life-form.

Oh. Your eyes widen slightly as you glance back towards the corner you saw the girl dash by. Both she and the man before you came from there. He must have frightened her half-to-death to have her dash away that fast. Turning back to face him, you reply.

"I may know where she is, but what business do you have with her?"

Principals office again? A new hall monitor? Or maybe another dare. Oh I hope it's the cooking club offering food, those tarts they offered last time were delis—

"We're assigned to each other." Not exactly sweet tarts but, could be worse. You bow your head, hair falling forward before raising back up.

"Looks like you found me. Pardon my oblivion but, which Ikeda might you be?" You watch his eyes go wide for a moment before returning to an unfazed demeanour. He returns the gesture with a minimal nod of his head.

"Ikeda Orochi. Please, allow me to introduce you to my brothers. It is better you learn our names and faces now."

He turns and begins walking down the hallway he came. "I'm afraid you'll be late to your next class, Ikeda-kun" You didn't really care for skipping but he seemed like the type to lecture you about time management. He huffed in response.

"Others are too busy running amidst to remember their next class. All the rooms are empty, as they were last year."

And indeed they were, every room down the hall had but their respective staff & teachers lounging in their lonesome. Some taking naps, taking calls, marking papers or something else teachers do.

Eh, not surprising. It was either fight or flight, and most had a better chance with the latter. Fighting would either end with putting both feet in the grave or a—possibly— lusty bloodsucker.

As you roam the halls with your new pal, you find it odd that it was basically empty. Thinking you'd see more scampering students around, you were almost disappointed.

After the silent stroll along the hallways, Orochi opens one of the classrooms doors. The room currently unused and empty of presence except for two.

One tall man splayed out across three tables pushed together. Long burgundy hair falling off the surface of the tables as he stared directly at the ceiling. One hand resting behind his head as a makeshift pillow, while the other drew shapes into the wood he laid on.

Another sitting behind the teachers desk, both feet kicked up as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone with his head leaning back against the chair. Scruffy black hair and a poorly worn uniform. Tie slung around his shoulders and a few buttons opened.

Glancing back at the one who was to introduce you, a thought much too loud rang in your mind. Three separate parasites to feed for what could be the reminder of your school life. Or a possible life cut short. Oh, how exciting.

1115 word count.
edited: —

a/n: long time no see

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