your theme song

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-Honestly, the village thought you were crazy and it was also frowned upon to be affiliated with witchers.

-You are carefree and proud of who you are


Why: (Just imagine it as a SCENE)
 -You are running through the forest, trying to get away from the Nekkers

- Jumping over fallen trees, pushing through thorn bushes, looking over your shoulder

- They are closing in just as you topple to the floor, tripping over an oddly inconvenient root sticking from the ground. You back up slowly against a tree  just as the music reaches a climax


You both like to pretend not to love each other but really, time after time, you'll stick together.


-You play the harp and it seems like you are kind of magical (though Geralt tells him you are just human)


I'm not really sure for this one- you've just got a bit more playfulness along with confidence


- You are a strong warrior and actually saved her during the fight


- You're just friendly and lovable and happy so it's a perfect fit

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