You become friends

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After he bought the ingredients he needed, you didn't see him for two days. Then he turned up at your door in the middle of the night, skin cracked and eyes like those of a demon.

"Closed," you murmured tiredly as you began to close the door. 

You didn't get far when his large body fell through it. He had passed out and you could see he needed help.


He woke up the next morning feeling infinitely better than he had anticipated and with his wounds dressed.  Slowly he sat up to survey the room around him. Ah, so he had managed to find his way back to the herbalist.

"Dont move too much or you'll displace the ointment under the bandages. You had a rather nasty scuffle. Looked like a tree after a lightning strike"

He chuckled at her casual tone, looking down at her handiwork. She had certainly packed a lot of herbs and oils under his wraps, he could see the tips of leaves peeking through.

"Thank you. Sorry to inconvenience you so late in the night"

"It was no trouble. Living company is better than talking to my plants again"


Originally he had planned to just make sure you were safe and then head on to the next contract but you ended up following him after seeing Lil' Bleater.


"Awww, hello, little goat~"

"She's called Lil' Bleater for your information. Dont be upset if she doesn't want much to do with you, she can be picky-" He didn't get to finish before you had your face buried in his animal companion's fur. What surprised him is that the goat didn't  cause a scene about it

"Oh, she's lovely. Does she like salt? oh what am I saying, all goats like salt"


He just kind of stuck around after the attack and then you offered him supper for saving you from the spider.

He acted like he didn't give a damn but really, he was quite happy about it


You really weren't sure about the two visitors considering you were a long way from any villages. This didn't stop the younger one from trying his damnedest to earn your favour.

"So, I suppose you must like music. i like music. We have a lot in common"


You bonded when you were partnered together for the battle. You had saved her a couple of times and her you.

"So, why did you come to defend the keep?"

"Oh, I owed Geralt a favour from a few winters back. He saved me from the witch hunters and helped me gain safe passage to Skellige. What about you? Got some larger connection? "


You saved her life during the battle and she felt like you were a very interesting character. 

Especially when you took off that helmet and armour. She hadn't anticipated you to be a woman.

"Thank you for saving me, you didn't have to and yet, you did"

"I'm a Hefensgaet guard, It's my job to protect and serve"


You would often talk at dinner time when she was at the Baron's castle. You'd lay her food and she'd tell you a witty joke that made you giggle.

"Ciri, you're so funny! I love your jokes"

"Thank you, (y/n) i like your... everything"

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