Avallac'h (1)

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Imagine arguing with Avallac'h and he insults you.

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"Why do you have to be so childish all the time," he muttered. You were glaring up at him, arms crossed. 

"Because, Avallac'h, I'm scared!" You shouted, voice wet with tears. 

"You shouldn't be! There is nothing to be afraid of. you are not the one going!" His jaw clenched.

You sucked in a breath, teeth nearly chattering in frustration, "That's the point. You're leaving to travel with her all alone..." You softly exhale, training your breath and clenching your hands, "Say something, anything... Just tell me nothing is going to happen!"

He could feel his heart pound in irritation at the words. His eyes rolled exasperatingly to the side as he crossed his arms, "What do you want me to say?" He huffed, brows furrowing in fury,
"Do you want me to lie and tell you I love you?"

And then there was silence. Deep streams of tears poured down your cheeks and a scratchy whine wracked your body. Your hand pressed firmly over your mouth, trying to halt the horrendous sound of anguish.

As if regaining a sense of humanity, his long arms reached out to grab you. You jumped away, shaking your head weakly. 

"Please. I swear to the gods that I didn't mean that-" He barely managed to uttered before you rushed past him.

"If you want to go, then please, don't let me stop you. Just know when you get back, I won't be waiting for you"

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