Chapter 11: Staying With The Malfoy's

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Ginny's PoV:

The first day was good, we spent the majority of the day getting to know each other better and just hanging around. I also found out that Dobby, the house elf that tried to kill Harry in second year, was actually sent by Draco as a joke. Today, we asked our parents if we could have a pool party, as a welcome home celebration before the ball that we were going to have as soon as they get custody over me again.

It was around eleven in the morning when our mother notified us that they had arrived. I quickly pulled on some shoes before running out of my room and racing Draco to the front door. He won, but he did have a head-start so it was kind of unfair. When he pulled open the large mahogany door, we were immediately crushed with hugs from our friends.

Pansy was the first to step back and I could see that she was wearing a gorgeous sage green bikini with a flowing white skirt on top, Blaise was next and he was wearing dark grey swimming shorts with a plain white t-shirt as well. Me and Draco were wearing matching black sets, mine was a silk black two piece with a black dress on top and he had silk black shorts with a black t-shirt on top. We looked expensive.

After we had all greeted our parents, we made our way outside to where the pool was. It was surrounded by white paving and had some really soft, cloud like sun loungers. We all took of our clothes, leaving us in our swimming costumes before jumping in -well me and pans walked calmly whilst the boys dive-bombed into the water splashing us all. Once we were all in, me and Pansy made our way over to the shallow end and we sat down comfortably with our heads and shoulders just above the water. I then decided I would tell her about everything and she also told me that they had another friend called Theo and I said we would invite him over once 'Mione can come over as well.

"Gin, why's 'Mione not here?" Pansy asked.
"A few weeks before break, we found out she hadn't been eating for months so she's been recovering from that ever since, so she's to ill to come over and besides she doesn't like swimming anyways." I answered.
"Oh ok, send her my best wishes." Pansy said with a smile before we swam over to where the boys were.

They stayed for a little while longer, but had to leave at around six so that they would be home for dinner. I know it sounds soppy, but today was one of the best days ever. Once they left, I went upstairs to change and get ready for our meal. We weeds going to have a special Easter 'feast' like we would at Hogwarts but scales it down a lot considering there was only four of us. It only took me about forty five minutes to get ready, leaving me twenty minutes spare, so I decided to write to 'Mione.

'Dear Mione,
I hope you're feeling better, as soon as we find your real parents we will bring you to ours, it's just to risky right now. I had a great day today we had friends over and I told Pans about our situation and she was looking forward to making friends with you. Blaise also came over and I think I might like him. I mean he's hot, kind and funny. But it would be awkward considering he's my brothers best friend. Anyways, I'll see you seen, make sure to meet me on the platform 30mins early so I can introduce you to the others.
Yours truly, Gin xx'

I ran to the owlery and sent the letter with one of the many eagle owls. I watched it fly into the sunset before making my way downstairs to the dining room. It was quite peaceful, waiting for Mother and Draco to arrive. I hadn't really talked to him yet so it was nice being able to have a conversation alone with him. He is so much nicer than he perceives, he just doesn't want his family hurt so he builds these walls between him and everybody else.

Once everyone had sat down, the elves brought in the food. We had roasted rabbit with fried eggs, bacon, vegetables, roast potatoes and gravy. It was all delicious and afterwards we ate some chocolate eggs and played some quidditch. It surprised me when I found out that mother and father both used to play quidditch; mother was a chaser like me and father was a seeker like Drake. I know funny. We played until the stars were painted delicately across the sea of black. It was difficult playing with on,y four players but we made it work. Me and father were on a team against the other two and whilst father and Drake looked for the snitch me and mother tried to snatch the ball of each other and score as many goals as possible. Unsurprisingly, me and father won, he caught the snitch getting us 150 points putting the score at 310 - 170.

After that, we all headed back inside, bidding goodnight to each other before making our ways to our rooms. As it was only 8:30pm I decided to take a relaxing bath, I hadn't used it yet and I was excited to. The beautiful bath was a dark grey almost black with a silver tap to match the other black, grey and silver embellishments scattered around the large room. I poured bubble bath in until the bubbles were reaching to the edges. When I slid into the warm water, I felt instantly relaxed, I wish every day could be like this. Spending time with friends, nice meals, fun with my family and relaxing baths. But I everyday I could feel the air getting colder and sky getting darker, even though it was spring.

It was strange this darkness was welcoming much more than the warmth. It felt as though I was being dragged towards it, it's cold fingers grasping me tightly but softly like it was trying to tell me something. We all new that this tournament was dangerous and with Harry's name mysteriously coming out of the goblet made everyone even more tense. Anything to do with Harry was bound to end in disaster.

I stepped out of the bath around an hour later, my fingers shrivelled up like prunes. I pulled on some silk pyjamas and fluffy socks before cocooning myself in my warm sheets. I payed there staring up at the ceiling wondering about life. What is going to happen? Who are Hermione's parents?

A/n: sorry this took so long to update.
1141 words.

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