2. Friends?

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The bell rang signalling lunch, William tiredly followed the crowd of youth towards the cafeteria, today had been a lot to take in, and William was starting to feel overwhelmed.

Cam sat in the corner of the room, the table he was sitting at was empty other than him, in his hands he held a massive cookie and was munching on it happily, he looked up and saw that William was standing in the middle of the room, lunch tray in hand, looking around for a place to sit, he looked utterly helpless He looks like a lost puppy thought Cam, he sighed, taking a big bite of his cookie he stood up and waved at The boy "Yo! New guy" The boy caught sight of Cam and relief flooded his face as he walked over, Cam took another big bite, mentally preparing himself for physical interaction.

William sat down opposite Cam "Um, I'm William" he held out his hand in greeting, The boy looked at him tiredly "Cam" he said, without taking William's hand, William quickly pulled his hand back, flushing with embarrassment, Cam noted that William actually looked good when he blushed, unlike most people, his skin was so light that the rush of blood gave him a pleasing rosy glow, "It's nice to officially meet you Cam" Cam quickly tore his gaze away "sure" he said in an uninterested tone.

Willam quietly started eating his lunch, Cam shoved the rest of his cookie into his mouth and then pulled a bottle of lemonade from his backpack, he looked bored as he slid the lemonade over to William "Do you want some?" William looked suspicious "uh, sure" he said slowly, Cam rolled his eyes "it's got raspberry ice cubes in it, beware" William looked a little abashed as he took a sip "That's good" he said enthusiastically, Cam just rolled his eyes again "guess so, I'm sick of it though, my mom is very... experimental.. with food"

William smiled looking a bit more comfortable "Well tell her this one is a success, it's really good" Cam just nodded "I will..."

William smiled at him warmly "so..... What are some of your hobbies Cam?" Cam blinked "Er....I like art...of most kinds...." he leaned his head on his hand "I'm learning to cook with my..mom...so that's kinda cool"

William nods encouragingly "That's really cool" Cam shrugged "guess so...what about you?"

"Um I like books, so reading and writing, I've always wished I could draw really well, but my art doesn't go much beyond stick figures" he shrugged, unperturbed

Cam nodded "That's cool.." William looked at Cam intently "I also like going to the gym, which shocks most people because I don't seem like that type of person" Cam wasn't one for stereotyping but had to admit that William, who was currently wearing a button up shirt with a Grandpa sweater on top definitely didn't seem like the type of person who enjoyed working out.

Cam looked at him intensely "I'll have to join you some time" he flashed William a wicked smile, William blushed instantly "uh, yeah, I guess" he said swallowing hard as Cam smirked at him

William glanced around the room and then stared into his lap, Cam just watched him and then stood up "I-I've got to go"

Williams' face fell "Oh okay, I'll catch you later then?" *inner cringe*

Cam nodded "We'll talk about the work out thing later" William choked, Cam winked as he walked away "Laters"


The school bell finally rang, signalling the end of the school day, William tiredly dragged his feet towards the exit, he was exhausted and overwhelmed when I get home I'm having a bath and pretending I don't have homework he thought tiredly as he walked through the door, William looked up and saw that Cam was waiting at the door for him, he waved at William "hey" he said casually, William brightened up "oh, hey Cam" Cam leaned against the wall "what part of town you in?"

"Um I don't really know the town that well, I just use google maps to get to my boarding house" William said uncertenly, Cam blinks and nods "I'll walk with you" William smiled "okay"

Cam jams his hands in his pockets* "ready to go?" William nods "yep"

They talked the whole way to Williams boarding house, then Wiliam turned to Cam "Thanks for walking me home" but Cam wasn't listening, an amused smile rested on his lip, he pointed to the small grey house next to Williams boarding house "I guess we're neighbors, I live there" he smiled, then he looked hesitant "There's a..er the class is having a day at the beach tomorrow, you can come if you want" William smiled at the ground "Sure, I'll be there" He smiled at Cam and then walked inside, shutting the door tightly behind him.


Phew! Two chapters down.
Honestly I'm really proud of myself.
Also I love feedback and I can take constructive criticism, so hearing your thoughts and feelings would be awesome!
Love you all.

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