5. Shattered

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There's a picture of William for you

Cam walked down his street, and his earbuds in his dark hair blowing softly in the summer breeze, he squinted a little, was that  William? Cam had forgotten they were neighbours,

William was hunched over sitting on a bench, and his shoulders were softly shaking

Cam blinked and looked down pulling his hood up over his head,

Up close He could see that William's eyes were red and puffy,

Cam swore softly and walked over, standing directly in front of William "why are you crying?" his voice was void of any emotion

William quickly wiped his eyes "I'm not" He said stubbornly

Cam rolled his eyes and shoved his hands further into his pockets "Yes. You were, now tell me why"

William swallowed, tears started to well up in his eyes "why should I trust you? I barely know you" he spat the words out bitterly, glaring at Cam

Cam blinked a few times and shrugged "beats me" He sat down next to William

"...but I'm here right now and I don't see anyone else, so what I'm saying is. If you need to talk. Talk." Cam's face was still blank, betraying no emotion

William squeezed his eyes shut, fighting back tears, but they spilled over onto his face anyway "I miss my sister" he said quietly

Cam awkwardly placed a hand on his back "oh" he had forgotten that William was an exchange student, his sister was probably back in America,

William's tears fall freely now, splashing onto his hands and lap "I miss her every single day, it would have been her thirteenth birthday tomorrow"

Cam blinked and slowly places a hand on his shoulder "I-I'm sorry"  I guess she's not in America He thought sarcastically

William wiped his tears with the edge of his sweater "I just can't do it anymore, I can't be happy without her, she was the only thing I had left" he gave a choking sob

I'm not qualified for this!!! Cam  bit his lip "I-i know how you feel and it sucks, I'm so sorry will-"

William looked up at him desperately "you know how I feel?"

A pained look crosses Cam's face, and he nods "I-i know what it's like to lose someone you love more than anything" his voice breaks

William looked so, so vulnerable "I don't have anyone now," he closed his eyes trying to block out the pain "It's just- there's no one l-left in the world who loves me"  he balled his hands into fists "I just can't do it anymore! I came here to get away but-" he took a shaking breath

Cam leaned forward and hugged him tightly

William freezes in shock for a moment, then wraps his arms around Cam, pressing his face on Cams shoulder

Cam held him tightly, tears starting to sting his own eyes

Williams body is wracked with sobs as he clutches Cam tighter,

Cam bites his lip and rubs lazy circles on Williams back "I-it's gonna get Easier"

William took a shaking breath, then nodded


Cam was at a work, he worked at a local bakery called "Bradford's Buns and Coffee"

Today he was cashiering at the front counter

The bell dinged as someone walked into the bakery "Be there in a second" Cam called from a back room,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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