3. Kisses And Ice Cream Pt.1

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Cam was lying on his beach towel, staring at the sun, just then someone walked up to him and stood in front of him "Cam..." Cam jolts up staring, a blush flushing his cheeks "Ty. H-hello" he said awkwardly, the sun bounced off of Ty's bare chest, Cam's heart was racing

William walks onto the beach looking around, he was wearing a pair of shocking bright green swim trunks and a baggy blue t-shirt on top, he looked around the beach, then spotted Cam and started walking towards him.

Ty leaned close to Cam, brushing a piece of hair away from his face, Cam's face goes completely red, Ty grabbed the waistband of Cam's dark blue swim trunks, pulling him close, he bent his face low to Cam's, Cam sucked in a shaky breath, Ty pressed his lips softly to Cam's, then he stepped back and smirked as he walked away
holllyyy shiittt Cam's head was spinning

William stops walking a few feet away from them, a look of shock on his face.

Cam smiles softly and brings his hand up to his mouth brushing his fingers lightly along his lips,William looks around quickly, hoping no one noticed him, Cam giggles and grins like an idiot

William took a deep breath There's absolutely no need to feel threatened by that guy, it's not like I like Cam William took a deep breath and then walked up to Cam "Hey man" he said, trying to sound confident or at least calm.
Cam couldn't stop smiling "Er hey William" he sounded distant
William quickly pointed to the ground before he lost his nerve "is this spot taken?" He asked in a rush.
Cam shook his head "Nope, it's all yours"
William sat down looking hesitant "so uh... was that your boyfriend" William bit his lip nervously
Cam blinked and shook his head "No...well...sorta...it's complicated" he chuckled, William just nodded awkwardly "Okay"
Cam lay on his back and smiled at the sky "he's perfect" there was a softness in his voice that William had never heard before, he was usually so brooding and he tended to be quite irritable with most people, though he'd been nice enough to William so far, it was still a shock to hear the raw affection in his voice.

William wanted to change the subject "Do you know how to surf?" he asked abruptly, it was a sunny day and the waves were high, crashing on the shore
Cam glanced over "Ooooh no. Water is weird and unpredictable, I'd never let a board of wood carry me into it." he looked very serious.

William bit his lip, preparing himself to take a risk, he raised his eyebrows "You're scared? I didn't think you were the type" he tried to sound confident and challenging.

Cam blinked and shakes his head "It's not fear, it's common sense!" he sat up

William smiled challengingly "Nah, your definitely scared"

Cam stood up looking indignant "No, I am most certainly not, In fact! Watch me I'll do it right now!"  Dammit, what have I gotten myself into?

William gave him a knowing look "I still think you're scared" Cam put his hands on his hips "Where can I get a board?"

William smiles mischievously "I have one in the looser cruiser" he gets up and starts walking towards the parking lot

Cam follows dammit dammit dammit "The what...?"
The colour rises in Williams cheeks but he tries to act cool "That's what I call my car"

Cam makes a 'pfft' sound and laughs "Why?"

William looked him dead in the eye, it was the first time Ash had really seen his face up close, he noticed with some surprise that Williams eyes were two different colours but they were both so dark that he hadn't noticed before, his left eye was a dark reddish brown and his right eye was somewhere between green and blue but was equally as dark, he also had a light spattering of freckles across his pale skin "You'll see," he said mysteriously.

Cam blinked and flushes softly "O-okay" Oh god, he's so pretty Cam thought tensely

William walks through the parking lot, leading ash to a beat up red 2000s Bentley, Cam could definitely see why it was called the "loser cruiser",  the paint was chipped in a many places and cracks spidered across the front window, not to mention there was a large dent near the front tire "This is my girl" William gestured to the ugly car.

Cam grinned and walked over running his fingers along the car "How the hell is this thing still working, it looks like you drove it into a flagpole"

William blushes "I did" he said sheepishly.

Cam snorted loudly "What?!"

"Just once! And it only scraped up the side a bit, the dent was there when I got it" opens the trunk and pulls out a sleek pink surfboard

Still giggling a little and Cam walked over staring at the board in terror

William caught sight of his expression "Oh calm down, I'll teach you" he grinned at Cam

Cam forced a weak smile, and William snorted "C'mon" William turned and ran back towards where their towels are

William set the board down on the sand, reaching back up he start to pull he baggy shirt off, Cam had only seen William in ugly sweaters before this point and was unprepared for the sight of William completely shirtless, William always seemed like a little puppy, not very threatening at all, but seeing him this close Ash had to admit he was certainly intimidating, William was huge, definitely over six feet tall and he had abs that look sculpted out of stone, stolid and smooth

Cam blinked a few times and flushes bright red This shouldn't be allowed he stared at William, his mouth slightly agape

William sees Cam blush, and blushes himself, quickly turning away and grabbing the surfboard

Ty sees them standing together and jogs over slinging hand round Cam's shoulder "Hey Cam, who's this?" he smiled sweetly but something wicked hides underneath it
William quickly holds out his hand "I'm William, I just moved here on an exchange"

Ty slowly took his hand, shaking it then looking back to Cam "Hey I was thinking we could go somewhere and er....talk" Cam could tell he definitely meant make out, Cam flushes and kinda panics looking between Ty and William

"I-I said I was gonna learn to surf?" Cam said it it like a question

William glanced between the two of them, then pointed to his board "We were just gonna catch a couple waves, it shouldn't take too long"

Ty frowned "Fine, I guess I'll catch you later" he pressed a kiss to Cam's lips leaving him standing there staring after him as he walked away
Cam blinked a few times in shock

William glared at Ty's retreating form, then turned to Cam "So..... you ready?"

Cam looked anxiously at the water "You can swim well right?" he took a breath "Cause if I'm drowning I don't want to die"

William nodded "Yeah I can swim well, don't worry, you'll be fine" He smiled encouragingly
Cam nodded and did a thumbs up "cool"

William started wading into the water "So to start off, don't try to stand up till I say okay? It might look easy in the movies, but trust me, just try riding the waves while laying down on the board first, okay?"

"Okay" said Cam, sounding anything but confident, it was like the cool indifference he always had at school was gone, and William wasn't entirely sure how to react to that.

"Okay come here" William reached into the water to grab the black strap attached to the surfboard "you need to put this on, Safety first"
Cam nods strapping it to his ankle "If I die, pleaseee throw my body into the school so I can haunt the fu*k out of that place"

William tipped his back and laughed, it was the first time Cam had heard him laugh and it was a pleasant sound

Cam stared at him his cheeks a soft pink how can one person be so intimidating yet so innocent

"Alright hop on the board"
Cam slowly gets on the board trying insanely hard not to touch the water all that much

William leans over placing his hands on either side of the board, his body was inches above ashes as he maneuvered the board to face the shore "ok, you gotta lie flat on your stomach, put your hands here at the top of the board, and I'll push you when a good wave comes,"

Cam nodded nervously, William's body was solid above his own

"Just try not to fall off, okay?"


To start off... I AM SO SORRY! I started this book and then ditched after two chapters! But the next chapter is extra long to make up for my absence so don't worry, also I'll get on top of regularly updating at some point.

Be warned however, because the next chapter is quite juicy 😉

Also just to clarify, when I put something in italics like this it means that's the character's thoughts, and I just realized that for some reason the italics sometimes don't show up, so just bear with me if the sentences don't make sense.

Love you all!!

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