Awards and Reviews

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The Royal Constellation Academy Awards 2021, Short Story category (6th Place):

"Very interesting story! First of all I must say I love the title 'The Cedars of Lebanon' which sounds so mystical and beautiful and it goes well with the new world they find there. The grammar was very good and the plot went smoothly. I also liked that uncertain ending. Will she survive? Will there be some unpredicted hardships? No one knows and I love that."

- Violetta712

The Adept Pen Awards 2021, Semi-Finalist:

- Violetta712The Adept Pen Awards 2021, Semi-Finalist:

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The Carnation Awards 2021, Short Story category (3rd Place):

The Big Dipper Awards 2021, Short Story category (3rd Place):

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The Big Dipper Awards 2021, Short Story category (3rd Place):

"It was a very well thought plot with accurate information about various scientific subplots. The futuristic approach about the end of the world and the last of the tries to save it are nicely written. It was portrayed beautifully as well with twists no one saw coming and a beautiful ending."


The Seasonal Contest 2021, Short Story category (2nd Place):

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The Seasonal Contest 2021, Short Story category (2nd Place):

The Seasonal Contest 2021, Short Story category (2nd Place):

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The Lucent Awards 2021, Action/Adventure category (2nd Place):

"The name and cover were entrancing as well as the description and characters both had me intrigued since the beginning. I would suggest you decrease the size of the stickers on the cover since it is covering almost the whole cover. Amazing grammar and vocabulary, I'm very impressed. Very well-written novel. All the best, author."



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The Botticelli Awards 2021, Science Fiction category (1st Place):

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The Aeryn Awards 2021, Short Story category (1st Place):

"Great first line!  It's a hook and it's not even dramatic for their situation...I think you managed to tell a great story in these short and few chapters.  It was intriguing to read, and I was curious to find out how it would end." 



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The Rose Gold Awards 2021, Science Fiction category (1st Place):

"Woah, Erica is one empathetic woman. The way she asked, "What about you?" had me in literal tears. She got me hooked with her character so easily. Though she had to let go of IDX-1 she will overcome because she's strong. Thomas Bo, although is not physically mentioned is someone I would admire till I meet someone who could surpass him. He wanted her to be there despite countless disputes and I loved him for it." -rovenanatasha

" -rovenanatasha

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The Cedars of LebanonWhere stories live. Discover now