5. Exodus

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Ramstein Air Base gradually comes into view. It is a vast, deserted open ground, with burning aircraft wreckage littered throughout.

The guard post is empty. The gates have been ripped apart. As they drive deeper into the base compound, they see bodies and bullet holes on the ground. They come upon a massive hangar, guarded by a platoon of American soldiers.

Gedeck gets off the vehicle and raises his arms. "Bundeswehr, hold your fire!"

Erica follows. She smells burnt gunpowder in the air while sensing the unnerving silence stretching for miles. Behind their sandbags, the American soldiers look weary. Their rifles are becoming heavy as their arms are shaking.

When they see Erica, their spirits are lifted. They lower their weapons, and their leader steps forward with open arms. "We've been waiting for you, Dr. Mohler."

"Who are you?" asks Erica. "And what happened here?"

"I'm Sergeant Miller, this is my platoon. The Lost tried to break in. We fought them off a couple of times, but they'll be back again. Soon."

"Is there anyone else here?"

"No, it's just us. The whole base's been evacuated. We've been ordered to stay behind for you. Honestly, we thought you weren't coming."

"We lost a lot of good people coming here," says Gedeck.

"I'm sorry," says Miller. "But their deaths will not be in vain. Dr. Mohler, there's no time to waste, you need to follow me inside, now."

Erica looks at Gedeck for permission. She gets a nod.

Inside the hangar, they see bright, open floor space, pristine unlike the world outside. And in the middle, is another portal device, similar in size, also circular in structure. Except this one is built with masonry stone.

Miller says, "I trust you're no stranger to IBX-0, the original Sumerian portal device."

She looks up, struck with disbelief. The ancient ring structure seems to be in good working condition.  Between the seams, light is glowing with ethereal qualities.

"You were the covert archaeological unit that unearthed it."

"That was us, yes," says Miller. He chuckles, somehow shy to admit the past. "We brought it out of Iraq before the New Baathists took over the region. And we've been studying it here in Ramstein ever since. When we learned about your project, we sent our youngest assistant, Thomas Bo, to share our schematics with you. We hoped he would help you to discover things we can't on our own. And you did. Your work on the IBX-1 informed our work in more ways than one. Then Bo came back, wasn't part of the plan, but we put him in charge, and he got IBX-0 up and running, and then he found ways to make the corridor last for ten seconds. Bo said the only reason IBX-0 is working is because of you."

Erica looks around. So this is Thomas's workplace. "And where is he now?"

"Thomas Bo crossed," says Miller. "He found the Cedars of Lebanon."

To elaborate further, the American sergeant goes to a computer station and wakes it up. "48 hours ago, Thomas sent back a messenger drone through the corridor. Inside the drone is this video recording."

The video shows an immaculate world. The mountains are lush, and the water is clear. Uninhabited, unpolluted. The realm of the gods.

"Dr. Mohler, it is apparent that our world is doomed. Humanity will perish here. But in the Cedars of Lebanon, we have a chance to start over. There's enough energy in this facility to send one more person, and Bo wants that person to be you. He wants to rebuild humanity with you. What do you say, Dr. Mohler? Would you join him on the other side?"

All of her pain, all of her wrongs, one chance to wipe everything away. Without hesitation, the mother of humanity's second era answers, "Yes."

Miller nods to the other soldiers, and they immediately proceed to power up the portal. "Attention all personnel, Operation Gilgamesh is a go, initiate launching sequence. I repeat, Operation Gilgamesh is a go!"

IBX-0 goes into a spinning motion and hums an otherworldly sound. Erica climbs a few steps onto the platform. She is accompanied by two pack mule robots, each carrying food and supplies enough for a colonial outpost.

She stands still. The air in the center of the ring splits open, and she sees a dark, shapeless wormhole. At the far end, she catches a glimpse of the Cedars of Lebanon.

Beneath her, American and German soldiers line up and salute her. Some of them shed tears, some remain stern. But they are all together.

At that moment, the verse from the Holy Book she has been trying to recall is revealed. God's dwelling place is now among the people...He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Holding her breath, Erica Mohler takes one small step forward.

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