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Deeper inside the woods, a 25-year-old boy is running away from the light elementals who are attacking him. The reason for the attack? Because he is not a light elemental. He was running fast that he forgot the direction he was going at. He is lost in the woods, his brother is going to kill him for going out of the house without him.

He is still running, hoping that he will somehow reach his destination. He stopped running for a while, he looked behind to see that no one is behind him anymore. He sighed in relief and walked anywhere his legs are taking him.

He got alarmed when he heard a loud thud behind him. He looked back to see there was no one. He shrugged it and resumed walking. Someone tried to hit him with their power but he immediately dodged it because of his telekinesis ability. The person who attacked him is a dark elemental and why is he attacking him? Because he is not a dark elemental either. Funny right? He doesn't belong to anyone.

He is running faster, he doesn't like to fight because he can't control his quirks. Another dark elemental teleported in front of him. He stared at the man and threw him far away, the advantage of having telekinesis as your quirk. He immediately hides behind the bushes and waited for them to go further away.

When he is sure that they're far away from him, he started his walk again. After god knows how long walk, he finally arrived at his house which is hidden because of his brother's illusion. As soon as he entered the house, his brother tackled him.

"Where have you been? I told you not to go out without me! Are you okay? Did you encounter any other elementals?" His brother is bombarding him with questions. He just shook his head and took a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry, Seokjung Hyung but I was bored." He replied. His brother sighed and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"I know, Jinnie but please be careful, they're really cruel," Seokjung said, concerned about his younger brother. He is like a father figure for Seokjin as he never saw his parents, his only parent is his brother. And for Seokjung, Jin is his only family after their parent's death, he promised his parents to save him from everyone.

"Okay, okay I will be careful next time now stop hugging me, I can't breathe," Seokjin said, lightly pushing his brother. Seokjung chuckled and patted Jin's head.

"I love you so much." He said, smiling fondly at his younger brother.

"Ew! Cringe!" Jin exclaimed, fake gagging. Seokjung laughed at his brother's antics. Seokjin doesn't like saying 'I love you but he likes to show his love with actions. He thinks people say 'I love you even when they don't love someone and if we love someone we make efforts for them. He knows that his brother loves him a lot and he doesn't need a mere 'I love you to show it.

"Come on, change your clothes and eat dinner," Seokjung said before going to the kitchen. Jin went upstairs to his room and took a warm bath, he wore a white Tee paired with sweat pants before going to eat dinner.

He walked down the stairs, lazily as he is really tired from all running. He entered the kitchen and sat down on the chair with a heavy sigh. His brother turned around and shook his head.

"Stop being a drama queen, who told you to go out now look, you tired yourself," Seokjung said, worried about his brother.

"It's okay, Hyung! Please stop yelling." Seokjin whined.

"I'm not yelling!" Seokjung protested. There we go, siblings are fighting. The current site of the two brothers' bickering is endearing to watch. Their parents are missing the fun. Oh! How much they wish to be alive just to see their sons bonding.

"Hyung?" Seokjin asked. Seokjung just hummed in reply.

"What am I?" He asked, curious about his identity. He knows he is neither light nor a dark elemental. So what is he?

"You're Kim Seokjin," Seokjung replied, shrugging.

"Come on! Tell me the truth!" Seokjin yelled, desperate to know the truth.

"I'll tell you when I'll find out." His brother replied but this time firmly. It's true though, he doesn't know what Seokjin is, all he knows is that he is not just a mere elemental. Seokjin frowned at his brother's answer. He really wants to know the truth.


On the other hand, six friends are sitting around the fire in the middle of nowhere. When they teamed up together, their elders were disappointed like they wanted to keep the fight between each other but why? What are they fighting for?

To find the answer all six of them went together to find the answer. The only thing they know is that the fight has something to do with the royal family but they're already dead so why? Also, the royal family was really nice and kept the kingdom safe without any fights so what was the reason?

The government is hunting them because the group has both light and dark elementals. When they first met, they found out they all don't like the idea of fighting like children instead of solving it like an adult. Their goal made them come together as a team but now they're more than just mere friends, they're like family. They can't live without each other.

"Taehyung, can't you just teleport us to somewhere else, I have a feeling that this place is not safe." One of the friends asked.

"I don't know, Jiminie I just got hold of it, I don't want us to end up in the worst situation," Taehyung replied. They all are still working to use their quirks properly. As you can see by now Taehyung's quirk is teleportation, he is a light elemental. Jimin gave him an understanding nod. Jimin's quirk is air and he is a light elemental.

"I'm thirsty," Namjoon said, more like whining. He is the leader of the group but he can sometimes turn into a baby. His quirk is super strong and he is a dark elemental.

"Ask Jungkook to give your strong ass some water," Yoongi said, annoyed with the youngers. His quirk is fire and he is a dark elemental.

"I'm not your water filter," Jungkook replied, rolling his eyes. What a brat. His quirk is water and he is a dark elemental.

"Joon, don't worry I have some water remaining," Hoseok said, with his usual bright smile. His quirk is time, he can stop the time for a minute and can see people's past and future. He is a light elemental.

To be honest, there is not a lot of difference between dark and light elementals. The only thing is that light elementals have a pure white glow while using their powers. On the other hand, dark ones have black like a black hole, 'the more you look at it the deeper you go into it', type of glow while using their powers.

After some time the six friends drifted off to dreamland as they're tired of running away from the government but sadly their journey still haven't finished.

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