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This part is pretty much smaller than usual. I'm sorry.


"What do you mean by my brother started the fight?" Seokjin yelled. Talk bad about him and he can handle it but he can't handle it when it comes to his brother. His brother can never do something like this.

"It's true, he started it," Kwang-min replied, calmed and collected. He didn't want to trigger Seokjin but the truth is the truth.

"But he was just 7 years old!" Seokjin protested. When Seokjin was born, Seokjung was just 7 years old. How can a 7-year-old  boy do that?

"Exactly, young and naive enough to get easily manipulated," Kwang-min stated. Others are just watching whatever is going on right now. They don't understand anything at all. There are so many questions like, what throne Kwang-min is talking about, and why Seokjin's brother would start a fight?

"Why would anyone manipulate him?" Seokjin asked, irritated. He can't handle it anymore. He is going to strangle this man to death. He was about to get up and choke the life out of this man but Jungkook back hugged him tightly.

"Because they wanted the throne that is yours." Kwang-min shrugged. He is getting annoyed by question after question.

"What throne are you even talking about?!" Seokjin yelled again.

"Your throne, don't you know that you're the youngest son of the King and Queen," Kwang-min replied. They all snapped their attention to Seokjin. Wow! They're again shocked! What a surprise!

"What!?" Seokjin himself is in utter shock.

"Yes, it's true." Kwang-min said, getting up, "I'm going out for some work until then take care of Seokjin." He ordered others, walking out of the room. They all gave him a nod.

"I don't understand," Seokjin said.

"We don't understand either," Taehyung replied.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Jungkook said, kissing Seokjin's nape.

"But my brother can't do something like this," Seokjin said softly.

"We know, let's just rest, we will talk about it later, okay," Hoseok said, cupping Seokjin's face between his palms. Seokjin gave him a nod and laid down on the bed. The others joined him for a while.

Even though they don't know Seokjin for a long time, there is something about him that they're really attached to him. They can even feel the pain Seokjin is going through. They have this special place in their hearts for him. Maybe because they're mated with each other.


On the other hand, Seokjung is pacing back and forth in his house. Everything was going great, he succeeded in hiding Seokjin but everything was ruined when those six guys came. They triggered Seokjin's power. He is going crazy now, he doesn't understand how the spell broke so easily. Is Seokjin that powerful?

He also made sure that those six friends should forget everything about Seokjin but how come they didn't? He saw them hugging Jin and taking him somewhere. That crazy man is going to kill him for not hiding Seokjin well and ruining their plan.

He is dead for sure. Everything was going perfectly, the throne was his until now but everything was ruined. It's just too much to handle. He is getting frustrated. He wants to meet Seokjin right now but he doesn't have any idea where he is.

He falls to his knees when someone attacked him. He is here. Now he is really dead. The man harshly grabbed his hair and made him look up at him. Seokjung winced in pain. The man's face has a stoic expression, making him look scarier than he already is.

"You failed me." He said, his voice raspy and scary. Seokjung gulped in fear.

"I'm sorry, I did everything to hide him but-" Seokjung couldn't complete his sentence because the man choked him.

"I don't need your excuses! Now go and bring him!" The man growled at his face. Seokjung nodded but the man didn't stop choking him. Seokjung started suffocating, he kept on hitting the man's hands, asking for him to release him. The man picked him up, still choking the life out of him, and threw him away. Seokjung gasped for air and coughed.

"Your brother knows how evil you are, Seokjung." The man laughed, maniacally and kicked Seokjung hard before going out of the house leaving Seokjung injured. He doesn't know what to feel anymore, he failed his parents and now he failed his brother too. It feels like his world is collapsing. Hope those six guys would take care of Seokjin.

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