🚫No Talent

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Au: Reserve Au (I think I made this up? I've seen one shots with Taka saying that he doesn't have an actual talent, how about  him not having one at all, like Hajime?)

Kiyotaka's pov.

"*alarm clock noises*" I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock alerting me that it is 8 o'clock in the morning. I turned it off right after it started annoying me.

I got up and got dressed for my first school day at Hope's Peak. I just put on the first thing I could find that looked decent enough to wear. I found a white t-shirt and put it on with jeans and my boots that I usually wear, and left my room.

"Hi, Kiyotaka! You going to school for your first day?" My father, Takaaki (idk if that's right or not), said.

"Oh, yeah, I'm heading off to Hope's Peak. I'll be back over the weekend probably. See ya later, dad."

"Okay, see you later! Love you, have a good day!" He waved to me.

"Yeah, love ya too." I waved back to him and left the house. I started to walk down the street towards the school.

Okay, I know what your gonna say. "Wait, how'd a person like Kiyotaka Ishimaru wind up at Hope's Peak Academy?" It's a funny story actually...

So there is two parts of the Hope's Peak High school, the normal 'Ultimate' students, and the talentless reserve course students. I'm in the reserve course, so I posses no talent whatsoever. It is possible to still attend the main Hope's Peak Academy though, through money. Me and my father had to pay a large sum of money for me to enter the academy like the other ultimates.

Back to the present, I'm still walking to the school. While I continued walking, I heard a motorcycle behind me, actually it sounded like two of them...

I heard shouting come from the two motorcycles, it sounded like whoever was driving them were fighting. One of them, which I assume was the one on the second motorcycle, was hurling insults at the one driving the first motorcycle.

I heard one of the vehicles slow down while the other sped past, when I looked up I saw the owner of the first motorcycle, which was an adult wearing a white trench coat with the words "Crazy Diamonds" in gold on the back of it. I heard of The Crazy Diamonds before, but I never saw one of the members, let alone the leader of the gang.

I suddenly heard the other motorcycle right next to me.
"Hey dude, can you give me directions somewhere?"

I looked up and saw the owner of the voice and the second motorcycle. I'm surprised to say this, but he was honestly really hot- not like I liked him immediately, but damn he was good looking. He had light purple eyes, brownish-blonde hair that was put up in a pompadour while the rest of his black hair was down, and kinda tan skin. He was wearing a trench coat that was similar to the first biker's, but his was black.

"U-um, yeah. Where to?" I responded after I realized I was staring for a while.

"I'm heading to Hope's Peak Academy." He responded, not even fazed by me staring at him. He must get it a lot I guess.

"Really? That's funny since I gotta go there too." I nervously chuckled.

"Huh, yeah, that's a funny coincidence." He said while putting one leg on the sidewalk. "Well, since your going, how about you jump on and point me in the right direction?"

"W-well I n-never rode a motorcycle b-b-before.."

"C'mon, it'll be fun, I promise."

"F-fine, I guess s-so."

I reluctantly got on the bike. I was very nervous since I haven't even been near a motorcycle before, but I felt like I could trust him. I don't know why though...

Mondo's pov.

I don't usually let people on my bike, but I need to hurry to the academy. Plus this guys cute, I could let him hold onto me for awhile. I helped him onto the bike and waited for him to get situated, then I took off.

"So, how'd you get into Hope's Peak? What's your talent?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"Oh, u-um well... Oh look we're here!" He stalled until I got to the school. He must have something to hide if he stalled that long. Maybe he just has an embarrassing talent.

I stopped at the front door and let him off my bike. I waved bye to him real quick and drove off to park my bike. After I parked it I ran back to the front door and noticed that he was gone. Fuck, I didn't even get his name...

=Part one finished=
(Sorry I have no ideas right now, but here's part one of this)

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