Part 1 First impressions

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"Oh shit, I'm so late, I'm so LATE. The boss is gonna murder me." You say to yourself as you run out the door to your apartment building, shoving your phone into your leather messenger bag. You run as fast as you can to get to your appointment, tripping over your untied converse every ten seconds. You work as a photographer for Josiah De Vou and he set up a photo session with a famous model, but you have to get there first. You have no idea who in the world you're taking photos of but you didn't show up to your last job and Josiah said he would fire you if you skipped this one, so you have to get there on time. You run as fast as you possibly can, your heart rate probably being heard by the entire city. You are supposed to meet at this really old garden on the other side on the city and it shouldn't take you that long to get there in a car, but you're on foot. You run down the street and start to recognize the path you're taking. You have been to the Woodwell Garden of Flowers only once before on a school fieldtrip for art class. You take a sharp left and see the garden entrance. You slow down and try to catch your breath once you see Josiah. You approach him nervously, heart still racing, "Good morning Mr. De Vou. What a wonderful morning." Mr. De Vou looks at you in an annoyed manner and just nods his head towards the garden while saying, "Just go and do your picture thing." You walk into the garden and see a tall man standing near a tree in the center of the garden. The man has fluffy chestnut brown hair with a hint of purple. His face perfectly compliments the rest of his gorgeously toned body. The light of the newly risen sun reflects off his clear glazed hazelnut eyes. You can't stop looking at him and his perfect face. "My name is Tooru Oikawa. Are you F/n L/n? Are you here to take pictures of the perfect model." His words shake you back to reality and make you kinda angry with him, 'The fuck is his deal. Self-centered assshole.'"Oh, yes. Heh. Hi Mr. Oikawa. Are you ready for the shoot?" You ask, slightly angry. He Replies in a flirty manner, "Of course and please, call me Tooru." "Just do each of these poses in order please, Mr. Oikawa." You say with a little bit of an attitude. You place your bag on the ground and take out a folder that you hand to him. He positions himself for the first pose. You take a few photos of this pose and then another and another. The whole time, Tooru is boasting about his beauty and greatness. The shoot goes pretty fast and before you know it, you're packing up your things. You pick up your bag and start to walk toward the entrance. Just as you are about to leave and head to your office, you hear Tooru call you. You don't even turn around but just keep walking. "What do you want?" You ask with a kind of attitude. "Your number." 'He probably has like twenty girl's numbers on his phone. Plus, he's too self-centered to actually text me.'

"No thanks."

"Wait, what, why?"

"Because I don't want to give it to you."

"But why not."

'Oh god. I can't just call him a brat, he has emotions too, I think. I need to let him down easy? Oh, but those eyes are so pretty. But he's self-centered. But he's beautiful.' You sigh and stop walking, turning around to face him. You take out a pen and grab his arm, writing it on his forearm. "Have a good day." You say half sincerely. You walk away and hear him let out a sort of cheer shout. You can't help but think he's a little cute. You smile the rest of the way to your office.

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