Part 2 A DATE?!?

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A week goes by and then two then three. Before you know it, a month has passed since the shoot. Tooru hasn't texted or called you at all. You keep thinking about him, though. On your way home from work, you pass a billboard with a picture of Tooru on it. It was one of the photos you had taken of him a month ago. You remembered how desperate he looked for your number that day. 'Did he forget about me? Yeah, probably. He must have like a billion girlfriends already. Why would he text me? Exactly! That selfish player. Ugh. Why is this affecting me so much?' You think to yourself, walking in the door of your apartment. You place your bag on the floor and flop onto the couch in the center of your apartment. You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone. You check your inbox and sigh. You place your phone on the coffee table in front of you, replacing its position in your hand with the remote to the tv. You turn the tv on, flipping through the channels until stumble upon one of your favorite shows. 'Ooh, Hunter x Hunter. Its been a while since I watched this.' You don't even make it through twenty minutes before you're fast asleep on the couch. You wake up to your phone annoyingly going off. You slowly open your eyes, sitting up and grabbing your phone. "How long was I asleep? Oh, it's already seven? I've been asleep for three hours? Damn." You see the number on your phone isn't saved and just dismiss the call. You focus back on the tv, which is still on. A few minutes later, you get a call from the same person. "This might be important." You say to yourself as you pick up your phone and answer it. "Hello?" You say.

"Yes, is this Chibi-Chan?"

"What? I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong number."

"Aw shit. This isn't the cute photographer from a few weeks ago?"

"Wait, Mr. Oikawa?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Oh, I just thought you were a creep. What's with the nickname?" You're surprised to hear him after so long.

"Well you're just so cute and chibi. How have you been doing?"

The two of you talked for at least the next hour. You talked about the weirdest things. Apparently, Tooru's favorite food is milk bread and his personal motto is "If your gonna hit it, then hit it until it breaks." The more you talk to him, the more of a dork he seems to be. You find it cute in some way, though. "Oh, I had something I wanted to ask you." Tooru says with a tone that even over the phone you could recognize as nervousness. "Yes, Mr. Oikawa?" You ask with a soft voice, hoping to calm his nerves a little. You hear a sigh over the phone. Tooru finally speaks up, "If this isn't to much of a bother and if you have some free time, did you mabye, um, want to, um, hang...out...with me tomorrow?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" You say, slightly surprised.

"Uh, yeah. Did you, Y/n, want to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

Suddenly, realization hits you. "Wai- Wha... a wha- A DATE?!?"

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