Part 3

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"A DATE?!?" You speak up into the phone. "Uh, yeah. You don't have to but, I think you're kinda, no, you're really pretty. Way prettier than me. I swear. Do I talk to much? Yeah, I'll stop." Tooru's voice reaches your ears. "Why me?" You ask, curiously. He doesn't even take two seconds to answer. "I just have this feeling in my stomach that makes me feel the need to be close to you, yet the closer I get, the stronger this twist in my stomach gets. I like this feeling though. Also, you're the only person who hasn't ask to go out with ME. I like that." You take a second to process everything he just said. You sigh and speak up, "I'm sorry, no. I don't date people. Especially clients." You hear Oikawa become sad. "Oh, well, could you maybe just this once make an acceptation?" You want to say yes but you've been hurt before and don't know if it's worth it again. Your heartbeat picks up and you feel kind of nervous. You want to be with him but you don't even know him that well. 'Is this really worth it? My heart is saying yes, but my brain is saying no. Ugh' You decide to let your heart take over for the rest of the conversation. You sigh, "Okay, where do you wanna go?" You hear his voice light up over the phone. "I'm not gonna tell you, just wear something comfy and I'll pick you up at 6:00 tomorrow. Is that okay?" You feel unsure about this but you accept his offer, telling him your address. "Goodnight, Y/n-Chan. Don't forget about the date, okay?" "I promise I won't. Goodnight, Mr. Oikawa." You hang up and place your phone on the coffee table in front of you. You shift your gaze to the clock across the room. "Oh, it's already nine-thirty? I think that may be the longest I've ever been on the phone with someone. I'm not really hungry so I'll just go to sleep." You reach over to the table and grab the remote, turning the television off. You place the remote back on the table and pick up your phone instead. You walk across the room, to a door on the other side, your bedroom. You walk in and flop down on your bed, falling asleep within seconds. You wake up around ten the next morning, immediately getting onto your phone when you wake up, like always. You just sit there on your bed, curled up in your blankets, on your phone. You sit there for just about an hour before getting up to use the bathroom, it's only then you pass the kitchen and realize how hungry you are. You also realize the time. "Ah shit. It's 12:30? I just waisted like a whole day. What am I gonna do for the rest of the day?" That's when you remember your date with Tooru. You quickly go to the bathroom and walk back to your room. You walk over to your bed and pick up your phone, putting on your playlist. You walk over to your wardrobe and open it. You go through your wardrobe for a good twenty minutes before coming up with an outfit. (Feminine) You pick out a pair of black jean shorts and a cute yellow hoodie with a picture of a small cactus on it. You match it with your favorite pair of black and white checkered vans. Your white socks can barely be seen over your shoes. (Masculine) You decide to wear an off-white sweatshirt with a pair of dark blue jeans that have slight rips in them. You match them with a pair of your favorite black and white vans. (Back to both:) You leave your room, playlist still on in the background. You head to the kitchen and open up the fridge. You pull out some leftover (Favorite topping) pizza and pop it into the microwave for a minute. While you wait for your pizza, you think about where Tooru could possibly be taking you. Out of all the places in the city, you can't find one you think he might take you. You get so into the mystery of this date that you completely forget about your food until you almost have a heart attack from the loud beep. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The microwave goes of and scares you, making you jump. "God." You catch your breath, taking your food out of the microwave and racing to your room. You nearly drop the plate of pizza when you get into your room. You drop the plate down onto your bed and the pizza almost bounces onto the floor. You laydown on your bed, eating your pizza and checking your phone for the billionth time, hoping Tooru texts you. You finish your pizza by 1:00 o'clock and you aren't really sure what to do. So, you just hang around the apartment until it's just about 5:00. You get a small backpack and fill it with snacks and water, along with some additional make-up tools(If you wear it) and pepper spray. You take a shower and get into your outfit for the date. By the time you get done, it's 5:45. You decide to make your way downstairs to wait for him early. At exactly 6:00, Tooru walks up to your apartment and sees you. "Oh, hello there, Y/n-chan."

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