Chapter 2

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A/N: I thank you to those who have read chapter 1! I am going to tell you now that chapter 2 is full of surprises and drama! I hope you enjoy! BTW, Chris's POV starts at 6:00 am and 2 weeks before Y/N's audition. Y/N's morning already started last chapter so, why not introduce Chris's morning? Hope you enjoy.


Chris's POV

I woke up at 6:00 AM to my phone ringing and went over to see who was calling me at this time. I looked at the contact ID and knew immediately who it was, my agent. I picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Chris, how's it going?" He asked with excitement in his voice. I could tell from the excitement in his voice that he had found a new project for me.

"What is it?" I asked knowing what he was going to say.

"I got a call from a producer of this new romance film." He said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet. I enjoyed filming romance movies, but I just finished filming a movie a week ago, I needed and deserved a break.

I sighed and asked, "What's it called?"

"Racing Hearts." He answered happily.

"John, I just finished filming like a week ago. I deserve a break from all this filming." I said sternly.

"I know Chris, but this film is a comedy romance. I think you will love this."

"What is it even about?" I asked wanting more info.

"Basically this girl gets saved by a random stranger, which is who you will play. She ends up seeing him in a bar a few nights after and she was able to thank him properly for his actions. Then they end up going out on a few days, and it turns out that she was married. "

"That doesn't sound bad at all." I admitted.

"See, I told you!" He said with excitement.

"When do we start filming?" I asked

"In two weeks, you will be flown to Dallas, Texas. Then you'll be flown to Atlanta."

"Ok, thanks John." I said while smiling with excitement.

"Anytime man." He said before I hung up the call and flopped down on my bed again.

I laid there thinking about how the film will turn out. I was glad that I had two weeks to myself before I would be flown to Dallas for yet another film. I lay in my bed for about three minutes before sleep eventually took over.


I pulled up to the place where the audition was being held and got out of the car quickly. I got out of the car and walked to the door, I was really nervous. I got my thoughts clear and opened the door and walked in confidently.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, I'm here for the audition for Racing Hearts." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Welcome, my name is Teressa. Please fill out this form for me please and once your finish bring it back up here." She said while handing me a clipboard with the form on it, along with a pen.

I went to the waiting area of the building and began filling out the paper. I had to fill out things like my name, email address, phone number, address. Basically my contact information so they can let me know if I got the role.

Once I finished filling out the rest of the form I gave it back to Terresa before asking, "Excuse me, where is the bathroom?"

"Down the hallway and make a right." she said while pointing her pen in the direction.

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