Chapter 6

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A/N: It's here! Chapter 6 is here! So last chapter we finally arrived in Dallas. So... from there everything falls into place. Also at the top is the only photo of Chris in comfortable clothes that I could find.  Anyways enjoy!

Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing

Word Count: 1251

I was now in the elevator of the hotel. As I entered I pressed the lobby button. I planned on heading to the store to buy some essentials that I might need during my stay.

As I was walking out of the elevator, I kept thinking about the encounter I had with Chris. It was like seeing old friends(Even though we barely know each other). He was friendly and welcoming, plus he remembered my name!

It's honestly surprising how me and him ended up a door away from each other. I mean, it could be because we're co-stars..? Oh hell, I don't care. I get the opportunity to make new friends during the making of this movie. I'm definitely not going to miss the chance to make new friends to the start of my new life...

Chris's POV

After creepily watching Y/N walk away, I entered my room. I couldn't deny the fact that she was gorgeous. Everything about her was... sexy. Her curves, her hair, her smile, her face.. Even her as-

ring! ring! ring!

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I answer it without looking at the caller ID. I was pissed off that I didn't look at the caller ID, because the person that I didn't want to talk to had called... Minka.

"Hey Baby." She said seductively. I almost gagged at the sound of her voice.

"What is it, Minka..?" I said annoyingly. I guess she picked up on my annoyance because she laughed. Her laugh reminded me that of a witch. Haunting...

"You're cute when your mad." I could practically here the smirk in her voice. Sometimes I wish I never dated her. Ever since we broke up she's been doing everything in her power to get us back together. Thats the reason our relationship has been on and off. But no! Not this time..

"Look, if your only calling to try and get me to come back to yo-" I was so rudely interrupted by her.

"You know you miss me.. I know you miss the things I made you feel..." By this she meant sex. When me and her were together we would always have sex. She was probably the best I've ever hard, but it came with a cost. Minka made me miserable. I was never happy with her. I really only stayed for the sex, and thats it.

"Minka... Don't ever call me again." I then hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. I decided to take a shower and get into more comfortable clothing. These consisted of a pair of grey sweatpants and a tank top.

After about an hour of relaxing in my room, I heard a loud banging noise from outside my room. I immediately got out of the bed and ran to the door to see what the noise was. As soon as I opened the door and peeped out, I saw Y/N picking up stuff from the floor. I immediately went over to offer some assistance.

"Need any help?" I asked walking towards her. She looked up from her position on the floor and smiled. I swear her smile could light up an entire city for hours..

"Yeah, can you grab this?" She asked motioning her finger to the large skillet on the carpeted floor. "Sure!" I said without hesitation.

"Thank you so much!" She said while grabbing her other bags and walking towards her room. She then reached into her back pocket to grab her keys and I couldn't help but take a peek at her ass. She was wearing a pair of tight black jeans. It complimented her backside wonderfully. Eventually she opened the door and turned around.

"Do you mind putting that on the counter?" She asked me while point to her rooms kitchen. Strange.. my room didn't come with a kitchen.

"I didn't know these rooms came with a kitchen." I said as I walked into her suite. She closed the door behind and began speaking, "Mine did at least. I'm not sure about the others." I placed her skillet on her counter. "Yeah, mine didn't come with a kitchen. I'm jealous." I said while taking a look around her room...


I stood in shock as I stared at Chris's back. And let me say.. He looks sexy as hell in that tank top.

I don't know how long I was staring. But Chris's voice brought me back to reality.

"Like what you see?" He turned around and faced me. I blushed hard. 'Did he just say that to me?' I thought to myself. I was speechless until he said, "I'm just kidding." He then chuckled. Relieved, I starting laughing with him.

"So I guess you got the part?" He asked while leaning against the counter.  I walked next to him and placed my bags down before replying, "Yeah. I accidentally made one of the casting directors cry." I said while laughing a bit. "So what are you doing here so early?" I asked. I won't lie to you, I was confused by the fact that he came at the same time as me.

"I had to get away." He answered. I was curious, so I kept the conversation going. "From something or someone?" I asked while leaning against the counter.

It took him a second to answer. "It's nothing important..." This was a clear sign for me not to push on. I just nodded and turned my attention to my groceries. "Well thank you for helping me with this skillet. I really appreciate it." I smiled up at him.

"Yeah, No problem." He nodded and smiled. "See ya around, Y/N."

"See ya around, Chris." I said while waving him goodbye. After hearing the door open and close I couldn't help but smile. Chris Evans was in my room and I had a conversation with him? Again...

After our little interaction, I decided to take a shower and put on a pair of comfortable pajamas. As I was walking to my living room, I decided to sing. Singing has always been a passion of mine and I planned on becoming a singer before making the decision to become an actress.

I took out my phone and started playing Stone Cold by Demi Lovato. I had a 6 octave voice and was able to hit the high notes of the song. To me it was easy to sing the song.

I also had an ability to make my singing voice sound different. Apparently it's a rare thing that 1% of people in the world have...

I finished singing the song. After singing such a high song, I was tired and ready to go to sleep. So I subsided to my bedroom for the evening and drifted off to sleep..

A/N: I just want to apologize for taking so long to publish this chapter. I had writers block and I struggled to finish. But.. Hey, we have Chris's POV again. Anyways.. I hope you enjoy this chapter. More to come in the near future!

If you catch any mistakes, please let me know so I can correct them. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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