Chapter 3

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A/N: Heyo! So this chapter is kinda full of drama. Um... I'll let you see it. If you see any grammatical mistakes then please let me know in the comments. Also the song at the top of the screen is called Resentment. Basically press play and then start reading and once you start reading then you'll understand why I chose this song. Thanks and enjoy!

Warnings: Cheating, Swearing
I couldn't believe it... I got the job! I had been dreaming about this for my entire life, and it's finally coming true. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Tyler.

I pulled up to the apartment complexed and drove towards my building. But when I got to my parking space I noticed something off. A black GMC Terrain parked in my spot, Tyler's car parked right next to it.

I tried not to make such a big deal and parked at a different parking spot. I grabbed my apartment keys and grabbed my purse and got out of my car and walked towards my apartment.

Upon walking to the door I heard what seemed to sound like... moans. I got confused and pressed my ear to my front door and listened. It was coming from my apartment. I quietly opened the front door and closed it quickly. As soon as I walked into the apartment I saw clothes scattered all over the floor. They were Tyler's clothes...

I slowly crept to my bedroom which was the master bedroom. The moans and grunts got louder as I got closer to the door.

I burst the door open so hard is was hanging off the hinges only to reveal Tyler on top of some random women.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed in pure anger and disgust.

He turned around startled and got off the girl. I looked in shock and immediately went over to Tyler and slapped the shit out of him.


"What do you expect me to do?" He asked with a angry face.

"We don't even have sex anymore, I have needs. Those needs need to be fulfilled." He said looking over to the blonde whore in my bed.

"Your sick. I'm leaving." I said turning away from him.

I went to my drawer grabbing a ton of clothes and placing them on top of the dresser. I grabbed my suitcase and stuffed them in there.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife before returning to the bedroom angrily glaring at the both of them.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH THAT?" Tyler screamed as he back up to towards the headboard.

"Calm yourself, bastard." I said.

I went to a specific wood plank and knifed it up. Under it was five envelopes filled with money. My inheritance money...

"Woah, where did you get that cash?" Tyler said while trying to walk over to me.

"None of your business." I said sternly. I still couldn't believe what was happening.

I got up and grabbed the cash and stuffed it in my pocket. I grabbed my keys and made it for the door.

"Y/N please!" He yelled as he tried to run after me.

I ignored his pitiful attempts and walked straight to my car. I opened my vehicles trunk and put my bags in and closed it aggressively. I angrily walked to the driver side door and opened it. Flopping myself on the driver side and slamming the door shut.

Tyler came running out and tried to chase me, but I drove away as fast as I could. I knew Tyler and I were having relationship issues, but I didn't think in a million years he would cheat...

~3 Hours Later~

I got an email saying that the movie was being shot in Dallas, Texas. I decided to go a little early and book a flight to Dallas the next morning.

I found the cheapest motel near me and book a room for the night. Surprisingly, the room wasn't to bad, but I did find an old cigarette on the floor. I decided to clean up the place a bit before going to bed.

Once I got finished cleaning my phone had rang. I looked over to the contact ID of my now ex-boyfriend. I stupidly answered.

"What do you want Tyler...?" I asked fighting back the tears forming in my eyes. It really hurt me that I was talking to him, but I decided to answer.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He said softly through the phone.

"Tyler, I don't think you understand the extent of your actions." I said hesitantly. My breathing became heavier and louder. Just having him on the other side of my phone made me sick to my stomach and I felt like I had to throw up.

"Are you ok, Y/N?" He asked through the phone.

"Never call me again.." I said boldly and hung up the phone. My breathing returned to normal and I decided to take a nice hot shower before changing into some comfortable pajamas and climbing into bed.

I covered up under the blanket and slowly drifted to sleep, hoping tomorrow would arrive quicker. I just wanted this night to end so badly. I'll never speak to Tyler again after this... He doesn't deserve me.

A/N: Hope you like this chapter. Tyler is such a jerk for cheating on Y/N. I'm personally glad I had her leave him. But thanks for watching.
Btw it's 12:32 am at the time of me writing this, so if there any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes then please tell me. Anyways thanks for reading.

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