♡Chapter 6♡

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Shoto's pov:

As me and Kaminari were walking down the sidewalk, I could see him still blushing and basically talking to himself. He is making me curious about this guy. Class 1C he said. I am wondering who it could be though. There aren't much in that class as far as I know. He and I didn't say a thing till we reached the store. He looked at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked in. "okay i will tell you who it is BUT; promise you will not tell a single soul alright?" he looked at me which made me roll my eyes playfully but nodded slightly with a laugh. Like who can I tell beside...Katsuki I guess. He took a deep breath as we were walking our way to the beverage section which I didn't know why we came to this section first. "It's...this purple hair guy. Shinsou" I tiled my head as I heard the name. I have heard his name before and seen him with Aizawa sensei sometimes. I looked at him, having a questioned look on my face for sure as I could tell from the look he was giving in return. "I know what you are thinking. He is not the type to even look at anyone. He would never look at me even if I call out his name-" I narrowed my eyes, poking his cheek with a finger before pinching it hard enough which made him whine.

"I was not thinking that AND, you cannot tell that either until you see if. You have only seen him in the hallways or cafeteria but never got to see him anywhere else. Don't speak too soon then. You don't know anything certain for sure." He raised a brow but smiled as he was rubbing his pinched cheek. He looked at the drinks then, picking up a pack of beers? Are we even able to buy these? I mean we are 18 but I have never did this.

"Aw I will keep this in mind. Hopefully he at least lay an eye on me once. That's all I ask for. For now heh. Alright then we only need a few snacks and we are done." He spoke which made me snap out of my thoughts. I only nodded, smiling a little as we both made our ways to the snack section. I didn't really know what to pick since this is the first time I'm being invite into a sleepover. Yet I didn't bring any clothes or anything! What do people even do in sleepovers? It's definitely not just them sleeping or pillow fight? More importantly, I need to tell this to my mother! She would be happy to hear this.

Eventually, me and Kaminari got some stuff we needed and walked out the store. Kirishima's house wasn't far from the store either. By the time we arrived, they were already home. Not knowing what to do, I followed after Kaminari in the kitchen, placing down the bags there which soon Kirishima walked in the kitchen with his usual smile. "Ya guys can head to the living room. Me and Bakubro will handle these. Thanks again for coming Todobro." Hearing him thanking me for coming made me slightly blush but nodded with a smile forming on my lips. He winked at the both of us as we walked back in the living room. Mina and Sero were talking together and waved at us when we walked up to them. I on the other hand, being the shy person I am, I sit down, eyes looking down with slight shade of pink forming on my cheeks.

"this is going to be so fun! Ack I can't wait to play truth or dare with Bakugo. It's fun pushing him for truths" Said Mina who was rather excited about this. Sero and Kaminari laughed but agreed with her. All of a sudden, all their eyes land on me which made me feel like I did something wrong. "Gah Todoroki good thing you decided to join us! More people, more fun. You be witnessing a lot of stuff tonight though! Make sure to not miss any. Especially when Kaminari gets drunk! He looks really funny." said Mina while laughing which made Kaminari to whine, arms crossed over his chest, pouting like a child yet his cheeks heating up a little, probably embarrassed. I let out a small laugh as I watch them.

A little time skip

We were sitting on the ground, with a bottle to spin as the other's were laughing even nothing was yet happening which I assumed they were drunk already. Katsuki on the other hand, he was just...smiling?! I had never seen him smile! Not like this. If only I could draw him right now. Yes I know it sounds weird but..."BUhahahah you should have seen your face Kami!" Sero laughed, along the other two while Katsuki only chuckled, picking up his bottle and drink it a little. I cannot really take my eyes off him. The other four are busy laughing at nothing and making fun of each other. Yet as I kept looking at him, his head turned to me. In that moment where our eyes met, I could only feel my heart beating a miles. My cheeks flushed immediately as I tried to look at anywhere or anything but him. I shouldn't have stare at him too much. Now he thinks I'm a creep. But what made my heart to beat faster, was that smile he gave. It was not forced or anything...it was him smiling; at me. I couldn't hold my smile which formed on my lips as I looked at him, cheeks heating up slightly. For a moment, I couldn't think of anything, just staying at this moment, not wanting it to be a dream...

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