Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home

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{Eren's POV} ~Timeskip to the home~

When we arrived home , I was carrying the little Neko in my arms , with the Neko being cuddled up against me which was shocking considering that the Neko didn't even know the two strangers that had just picked him up and taken him to their house. Walking in and placing the Neko down on the ground for now i took off my shoes. Once I had done that I looked down at the Neko and asked
"Would you like something to eat? You look starved"
I asked , seeing the Neko nod almost immediately nod I smile and go off to the kitchen to make some food. That means Leaving Levi and him alone.

Taking the bread out of the cupboard i placed it down before grabbing some peanut butter and jelly out of the cupboard. Spreading both on the bread and putting some music on in the background to hum along to. While i was doing this I thought i would make myself and Levi a cup of tea. The smell of the black tea filling the room.

{Levi's POV}

While this was happening , I decided to try and get something out of the smaller Neko , I crouch down to his height again and asked him.
"What's your name? You need to tell us something to we can get to know you a little more"
I say , trying my best to look nice and kind through the cold, emotionless death glare I was giving the child as it was a somewhat resting face for me. The little Neko didn't respond to me by voice , he simply shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. The little Neko was trying his best to tell Levi that he didn't have a name , he didn't even know his name.

A little confused I soon looked up at Eren who had brought over me a tea along with some food for the Neko , I pulled Eren aside for a moment before then saying to him
"Eren, I've tried to talk to him. He won't tell me anything , it's like. It's like he doesn't know how to talk or something. Do you really think that taking this kid into our care is a good idea? I know we are having trouble with the orphanage not wanting to take us"
I say to him , Eren looked back at the Neko for a moment and then told me on how it would be fun for us to take the Neko in , once again. He was pleading with me. I of course rolled my eyes and then said to him.
"He seems to be half cat Eren , we can't just take some random half kid cat thing into our care! It's just not possible! Even if we did , I wouldn't be a good dad like you said I would be"

{Eren's POV}

Listening to what Levi was saying I almost felt my heart break. Of course he was acting like this and I was acting like a brat again. I couldn't help myself. Smoothing Levi's back I soon kiss his cheek to comfort him and soon speak to Levi in a gentle , soothing voice.
"I will be a great father Levi , just because of your past , doesn't make you a bad person. It's just how you learned to grow up. But trust me..I think you will be great"
I said to him as I smoothed back of his smaller hands in mine. Levi looked up at me before looking back at the Neko , he eventually gave in and nodded at me. We were going to keep the Neko! I was over the moon that he would finally be a mom and dad to a kid that needed it. I hugged Levi tightly as I slowly felt him hug me back.

Once we had hugged for a while I walked back up to the kid and crouched back down and then said to the little Neko
"Come on, we will take you into our care ok? Do you want us to name you? Or do you have a name?"
The Neko shrugged at me before pointing his finger at me , seems like he was giving me the hint that he wanted Levi and I to name him. I looked back up at Levi and then soon asked him
"What do you think? I'm thinking Gabriel maybe?"
Levi immediately shook his head and took another look at the Neko before he suggested a name which I immediately fell in love with.
"L-Leland? Leland is a beautiful name. What do you think little guy , can we call you Leland?"
I asked , and the Neko almost immediately nodded , seems like he was happy to know that he had a name. The Neko sprang to his feet before running over to me and hugging me. I hugged him back as I watched his big white fluffy tail wagged in a way that I knew that he was happy. Happy to know that he had some people that would take care of him.

{Levi's POV}

Levi looked at the two of them I eventually said
"Has Leland finished eating? We gotta give the kid a bath. He's going to stink the house up , not to mention he's already got my floor dirty"
Of course Levi would complain about the cleanliness of both his home and Leland , he was a germaphobe after all meaning that he hated any sort of dirt being around him. Eren laughed at what I had said and then told me on how he would bath him while I cleaned up down stairs.
"That's fine, just don't scare him ok?"
I say to Eren before pecking his lips with a kiss before going to grab my cleaning supplies. When Eren and Leland was gone upstairs I started to clean up the living room and hallway. Humming a little song to myself. This was going to be a big rollercoaster of emotions for the two wasn't it?

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