
616 21 11

Game: Genshin Impact

Xiao stood next to you on the balcony and stared out at the sunset. You nudged his arm for the third time. He kept zoning out and not answering your questions and you were getting a little annoyed.

"Xiao, I asked you out here to talk. Not to just stare at the sunset." You groaned. Xiao rolled his eyes and looked down with a sigh.

"Right. Ask your question again." He crossed his arms and looked back at the sunset.

"Okay. Why do you hate me?" Xiao's eyes widened slightly, showing his surprise from your question. You glanced up at him and saw his pink tinted cheeks.

"I... don't hate you..." he finally answered, still trying to find a better explanation for your question.

"Then why're you always scowling at me and ignoring me and stuff?" Both of you were paying full attention to each other by now. Xiao's gaze made you a bit self conscious and you slowly covered yourself. He noticed and stopped glaring so intently.

"I'm actually... intrigued by you. I may or may not have feelings for you. But I don't hate you." He blushed and looked to the side. It was an obvious confession and you were elated. You grinned and tackled him in a hug.

"I may or may not have feelings for you too Xiao," You gushed and nuzzled into his chest. He was confused at first and didn't know what to do. When you realized what you did, you backed up and tried to play it cool, "Well. That happened. Um I'll be in my room if you need me." You were awkwardly shuffling backwards until Xiao gently grabbed your hand. He lifted it and kissed the back softly, making your cheeks heat up. He smirked and let go and stood more confidently. You froze and stared at him for a few seconds. He pulled you in by the hand again but this time he hugged you.

"You're adorable." He smirked and rubbed your back.

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