Chapter 2

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Kieran's POV

time skip to the party

I hold Valerie's hand as I show her off to everyone. They ask the same questions and she offers them the same answers. I know she's amazing, that's why i wanted, no, needed to show everyone. Reed could understand that. She always understood me.

I turn around ready to lead Valerie to my friends and some of the football team when my eyes land on George. Panic immediately courses through my veins. He's not supposed to be here.

"George!" I yell to him. He sees me and turns around trying to run away. I grab his arm, twist it, and drag him back to me.

"George, would you like to explain why you're here and not with Reed? You already know the rules concerning her."

"L-look man. She said she wasn't going to be home so there was no need for me to be there. I-it's not my fault," George manages to stammer out. Now you may be wondering why I have one of my friends watching over Reed. Let's just say it's because of her dad and leave it at that.

I head toward Val and whisper in her ear. "I gotta go check on Reed. She's being reckless. I'll see you later."

Val gives me a small nod and waves me off with her hand.

I punch the steering wheel in frustration. Reed's familiar neighbor comes into view. Broken windows, gates around the front yard, neglected houses. I stop the car in front of one of the relatively nicer houses and haul ass to the front door. We've been friends since the womb so I don't bother knocking.

Paul comes into view as I walk into the living room. He lets out a belch as he leans forward to change the channel on the tv. Paul brings his arm up to take another swig of his beer but I grab it and throw it across the room. He lets out another belch as he looks up at me. 

"Where is she?"

"I don't know."

"Don't play dumb. I know you know where she is, you dick."

"What makes you think that she would tell me anything?" A grin makes its way across his face. He thinks he has the upper hand.

"Paul," I say to him. I grab my lighter and position his hand in a way that if I ignite the fire, he's sure to get burned. "Don't play with me right now. My best friend is out there doing god knows what with god knows who. I will burn your hand to ashes."

"Trevor." It's all he says before burping once again and passing out cold.

Shit. Shit. Shit. It's all I can think as I make my way to Trevor's house. I knew the type of person Trevor was and I wasn't going to let my best friend be added to the list of girls that got screwed over.

I run into his house and make my way upstairs. His room is at the very end of the hallway. Trevor's parents insisted on it once they realized he wasn't going to change his ways. Even if they allowed him to defile girls in his room, they still didn't want to listen to it.

I push open his room door and am met with an annoyed Reed sitting in a surprised Trevor's lap. 

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