Chapter 3

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Reed's POV

I turn my head as the door slams open and I feel Trevor jump beneath me. Once I recognize that it's Kieran I can't help but get annoyed. It was just getting good between me and Trevor too. Ugh. Stupid Kieran. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kieran snarls at me. I laugh as I gesture to me and Trevor.

"Umm, Reed. Maybe you should get off," Trevor tells me.

"Why?" I ask, turning my head toward him.

"Because Kieran looks ready to kill and I have a hunch that you might be the only one of us to make it out alive," Trevor whines.

"Oh don't worry about him. He's just mad he didn't get invited to the party. Why don't we continue? Give him a show." I whisper the last sentence in Trevor's ear. I begin to rock my hips against his when Kieran pulls me from his lap.

"Kieran! Let go!" Kieran drags me out the house and to his car. I don't bother fighting him about it and climb in. The way back to my house is quiet.

"How was the pa-" I start.

"Seriously Reed! Seriously!" Kieran yells at me. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Well a girl has needs you know." He looks at me and I see pure fury in his eyes. One half of my brain is screaming at me to back down while the other is telling me to tell him off. You can guess which one I listened to.

"Reed this is no time to be an idiot. I was so worried when I saw George. I had to leave the part-"

"Then go back. Go back to your dumbass party. I don't need you to save me or whatever the fuck that was."

"Yes! Yes you do! I wouldn't even have to be thinking about this if you would be responsible for once."

I stay quiet as I let him yell everything he wants to say. My brain begins to wander off to how nice I felt with Trevor. Our bodies moved so well together. It was perfect. Kieran snaps in front of my eyes drawing my mind out of the daydream. I look out the window at my house, unbuckling my seatbelt. I almost make it through the door when a hand grabs my wrist and I'm pressed harshly against my door.

"You're not getting away from me that easily. I know somethings bothering you. You only do stupid things and act like a whore when somethings bothering you."

What. The. Fuck. Did. He. Just. Call. Me!? He had some nerve.

"Wait, Reed I didn't mean it. I-I'm sorry. It was an accident." I nod and turn around pushing past him and into my house. He tried to grab my arm but this time I don't let him. I yank my arm upward and punch him in the face. He staggers backward, holding his nose in his hands. 

"You of all people should know not to call me that, Kieran." It barely comes out a whisper but I know he hears me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I turn around and walk into my house as rain begins to fall around us. I sneak past my father and into my room, ready to crash. This was one of those days where sleep was a necessity.

My Crazy Best FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin