muddy morning (Tubbo/Tobias Smith)

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"Come on, dude. Wake up!" I shook Toby lightly by the shoulder to get him out of bed. He had stayed the night at mine after having too much to drink, but it was well into the afternoon now. "Toby, get UP!" I ripped the blanket off of him and he curled into a fetal position away from me.

I kneeled on the bed and poked him in the side a few times. "Okay, I know you're awake, now," I laughed as he started to smile. "Get up, you daft idiot," I ordered as I tackled him.

He gasped and raised his arms to protect himself as we started play fighting, eventually ending up falling to the floor. There wasn't much of a struggle, as I clearly had the upper hand. Tangled in blankets and sheets, the two of us attempted to stand up, still laughing and slipping on the covers.

As Toby caught his breath, we started to pick up the blankets from the floor and put them on the bed. "What was so important that I just HAD to be up now?" He questioned. "Isn't it like, nine AM or somefing?"

I laughed and brushed my hair out of my face. "No, it's like almost two dude," I responded, picking up a pillow to throw at him. He caught it and threw it back to me, shaking his head in disbelief. I tossed the pillow in the general direction of the bed.

"Nah, that can't be right. It's too dark outside," he claimed skeptically, checking the clock on the nightstand. His jaw dropped.

"I told you sooo," I bragged, shoving him as I darted out of the room. He dropped the sheets in his hands and chased after me, trying to grab my arm as we ran around like we were little kids again.

Once we had calmed down a little bit, I noticed that it was sunny-raining outside. I stood by the glass sliding door to the back porch and placed my hands against the surface of it to look around.

Toby pulled more of the curtain back and stood beside me, mimicking my movements. "How is it raining while it's sunny?" He asked.

I laughed and looked at him. "It happens a lot, actually," I explained. "A pretty common occurrence here."

Still, Toby wore a puzzled expression. "I don't get it."

I sighed. "I don't know if this is true, but it may be because the clouds are thinner and not as dark, so it lets some sunlight through, but not all of it," I began. "And the sun is pretty powerful, so yeah."

"I guess that makes sense."

As if on cue, Toby's stomach started to grumble, and we both giggled.

"Lunch?" I asked.

"Lunch," Toby confirmed.

We ended up ordering in since both of us had an earth splitting headache and couldn't drive anywhere. Toby was convinced someone had stolen his wallet last night, which was probably bullshit because there were only three other people here and we knew them all.

"You probably just lost it outside and now it's a mud fossil," I joked with him.

"Ha, ha, very funny," he retorted. "I appreciate the sentiment but it's gone."

Needless to say, I ended up paying for the food.

When the delivery person got to the door, Toby got up to answer. They handed him the food and he walked back to the living room where I was sitting with the white plastic bag in hand.

"God, what is that?" I joked, scrunching up my nose.

Toby rolled his eyes. "Oh, like that grease ball is so much more appealing," he joked back, flinging onto the couch beside me.

"At least it has more nutritional value than whatever cardboard you've got," I teased.

"Oh, fuck off."

"Eat my shorts!"

"You aren't wearing any."

I lifted my food and looked down at my thighs. I was wearing the same leggings from last night. "You have a point, but mine still stands."

Toby chuckled as he covered his full mouth. "Remind me later, then."

We laughed at the innuendo, both knowing that it wasn't any more than a joke between the two of us.


"Well now it's too rainy for me to leaveee," Toby fake complained, looking for any reason to not call a cab. "And I still haven't found my wallet."

"As if it's so miserable to stay at my flat," I whined back. "You act like I have the plague sometimes."

He chuckled and beamed in my direction. "You act like you have the plague sometimes," he retorted.

I walked to the sliding door in the kitchen. "Fine, I'll leave," I said, sliding it open and stepping outside.

The brisk air hit my face and I shivered with a smile, reaching for my arms to pull my sleeves down. The sun was peaking, just barely, through the clouds, offering little to no warmth. Everything looked more green and the light reflected off the trees, the grass and the windows.

Toby ran after me as I bolted into the rain, laughing. "It's pouring right now, where are you going?!"

I wandered off the porch with him close behind me. My bare feet sank into the damp ground just slightly and the sky's cool teardrops fell all around. They soaked my shoulders as I opened my arms and spun in a wide circle. Toby ran after me, getting just as poured on as I was.

"Isn't this nice?" I yelled over the storm.

"Is it?" he called back.

I cupped my hands to scoop some water from a muddy puddle and threw it at him. He flinched and brought his hands up to block his face as I laughed hysterically.

"Oh, you're on," he declared, grabbing a fistful of actual mud from the ground. The grass and dirt hit me in the shoulder as I turned to dodge his assault. I ran towards the back of the yard giggling and retaliated with another hunk of mud. He chased me with a bucket he found on the porch filled with murky water and tried to toss it at me, but he was laughing too hard and missed entirely.

We ran around the back yard, occasionally trying to throw mud at each other. Toby nailed me in the back of the head with a particularly grassy chunk, knocking my hat to the ground.

"You're gonna pay for that," I called out. I shivered and picked it up to walk it back inside.

When I came back, he was in a crouch in the middle of the yard, preparing for whatever I had planned.

"Come on, I'm ready for you now," he bluffed. I could see him holding a hand behind his back and wasn't gonna fall for it. I rolled up my dirty sleeves and bolted for him, tackling him to the grass roughly. We both laughed as I rolled off of him and onto the soft ground.

The two of us sat there, letting the steady drizzle wash the majority of the dirt off our faces and clothes. I closed my eyes and clasped my hands behind my head. We stared at the grey clouds for a moment, both of us catching our breath as we lie there.

"That was fun," Toby said, breathless. He sat up on his shoulder and turned to me with a blissful grin on his flushed face.

I rolled my eyes at him. "And you were telling me to go back inside," I chuckled back.

My expression turned puzzled and I studied him. "What, do I have something on my face?" he asked, wiping his cheek.

"You do now," I claimed, smearing mud on his forehead and sprinting away.

"HEY," he exclaimed, clumsily getting up to chase me again.

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