Ryker Wave 1-5196

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Platform 1, Room W2-4 Males

They took us. The Platform soldiers came and took us the other day, leading us into the Platform and shoving us into a room, much like the holding facility back on the Stations, except this time, we’ve been grouped together with other waves from other Stations. 

The Wave 1’s were taken through grouped Stations, so we were grouped in rooms accordingly. Those from Stations 2-4 are being grouped together in separate rooms for males and females. The same goes for Stations 5-9 and 11-15.

It’s strange to see so many other males who look identical to me, but look so different somehow. Like always, I keep to myself, and I find peace in the fact that those from Station 2 and 4 also seem to like to keep to themselves. The other males from my Station seem to be the only ones who actually socialize. The fact that I was stuck with guys like them for my whole life slightly annoys me. 

Yesterday was our first day in the Platform rooms. The soldiers were pushy and getting angry with us for not moving fast enough, for not knowing the directions of the Platform ship, but eventually, they finished giving us the basic tour and sent us off to our rooms. 

Today, it seems that they’re expecting us to do everything on our own. The problem is, none of us have any idea of what exactly the soldiers want us to do. We were given no instructions, no schedules, and most surprisingly, we weren’t woken up by an alarm. It’s completely different from our lives back in our Stations. 

The thing that’s the most surprising is that when one of the waves from Station 2 tried to open the door to our room, they found it unlocked. There were no soldiers standing in front of the door. It was completely open and unlocked, as if we are free to leave whenever we want. Except that doesn’t make sense. Our whole lives, we’ve always been withheld from luxuries like this, and that was in our Stations. Right now, we’re on the Platform. Why would the door be free and unlocked to us?

“They left the door open, so I’m assuming we’re free to roam around,” says one of the waves from Station 4. The rest of us waves just stare at him, and as he makes his way to the door, our eyes follow him. Then, a couple of other waves follow him, including one of the waves from my Station. 

They’re going to get killed, I think to myself, but I keep my mouth shut. It’s easier to ignore people and shut them out then engage in conversation or reckless actions. It keeps you out of trouble and spares you from dealing with the problems of other people and the outside world. 

“Dude, you have to come outside!” one of the waves who had left says as he walks back into the room. I’m the only one who hasn’t left the room, and I intended on keeping it that way. I’m surprised the other waves aren’t dead yet. 

“We’re allowed to do practically whatever we want! One of the Platform soldiers caught us in the cafeteria, trying to smuggle some food, and he said we didn’t have to try and steal, but that we could have however much food we wanted! They’re actually being nice to us,” the wave guy says to me, practically glowing with excitement. 

I try to look indifferent to his words, but I’m slightly curious. And suspicious. There’s no way that the soldiers, Platform soldiers, would be this nice to us. It doesn’t make any sense, and I’ve always been careful in trusting others. 

“Come on, you’re going to regret staying in here all day!” the wave urges me, trying to convince me to come out of the room. I pretend to ignore him and after a little bit, he leaves, having given up wasting his time on me. 

If I’m curious enough, I’ll leave when I want to, but until then, I’d rather stay in here. I can’t remember the last time I was given time just for myself, and right now, there’s nobody else in the room. I’m being given a sense of privacy that I haven’t experienced before. If the other waves continue to leave the room whenever they want, then I’ll be content in having this room all to myself for however long they’re gone. 

The next day when I wake up, I see that all the other waves are already gone. I’m assuming that they’ve gone to mess around, enjoying themselves with the newfound freedom which I find sort of suspicious. Why would the Platform suddenly allow us to do whatever we want? Even within the higher ranked Stations, we were never given this amount of freedom. I can’t help but be suspicious. 

Today, I’m planning to spend the rest of the day in the room, regardless of whether or not I have the option to go out or not. Yesterday, the amount of peace I felt sitting in this room, all by myself, was so nice. If I have another opportunity like this today, I’m going to take it. 

I can’t say how long I sit in the room, sometimes getting up just to move around and stretch or go to the bathroom or get something to eat, but otherwise, I stay profoundly in my respective spot in the room. 

After what I assume has been a couple of hours, there’s a knock at the door, and I’m startled by the sudden noise and the politeness and formality of it. Back in the Stations, no one ever knocked the door. 

“If there are any Wave 1s present in the room, come out immediately and head to the cafeteria,” a strong voice says. I’m assuming that it’s a soldier, and the fact that they didn’t simply bust through the door, is astonishing. 

Not wanting to get in trouble, I get up and head towards the door and when I open it, I look to the left and right and see that there are no soldiers or anyone at all patrolling the halls. It’s as if the soldier who knocked on the door vanished. 

I walk down the hallway and use my memory of the tour given to all of the waves yesterday and head towards the cafeteria. When I get there, I see all of the other waves from my room, but also waves from different Stations. The wave boys from Stations 4-15 are also present. 

It doesn’t take me long to realize that we’ve been gathered here, for what reason, is my only question. Finding an empty seat, I sit down like the rest of the waves and there’s a silence that settles among all of us, as if apprehensively waiting for orders from soldiers or other waves to arrive. 

After a couple of minutes, nobody else enters the room, and we’re faced with a group of the Supreme Commander’s most loyal soldiers and partners standing in the front of the cafeteria, facing all of us. 

“Waves, you have been gathered to the Platform unexpectedly and suddenly. I’m sure there are many questions that have arisen for all of you. These questions of yours will be answered shortly, but not through a questionnaire in which me and my fellow comrades will give answers, but rather, you’ll be finding out right after we’re finished speaking,” one of the soldiers says. 

I briefly look around the cafeteria and see that a lot of the other waves have curious expressions on their faces which they’re trying to maintain. We’ve been taught to hide our emotions our whole waves of life, and in this moment, it seems to be hard for the majority of us. Every one of us leans in a little bit, curious to hear what the soldiers are going to tell us we’re here for. 

“Today,” the same soldier who just spoke says. “Will be the beginning of your first round of tests.” 

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