Chaise Wave1-5196

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Platform 1, W1 Examination Room Males 5196

The lab is one of the most terrifying places I have ever been in, and that’s saying something. My life is a terror. But I have a feeling from here on out it will just get worse. I am washed over with a feeling of fright when I am escorted into a private examination chamber in the corridors of the lab section of the ship. The Guards don’t push or shove me like they normally do. They walk me into the white walled room with  a chair of the same color. While looking around the room I hear the sound of the thick wall get shut and sealed. 

I pace the room for a little while. Trying to find anything that could save me if I were attacked, but there is nothing but the chair on the ground. And the chair is attached into the floor in some weird way I can’t figure out. When my feet get bored with walking around looking for something that won’t ever be found, I give up and sit in the chair. 

It’s silent for too long. I sit there for too long. It sets me on edge. 

But on edge is better than help against my will. 

It’s too fast for me to understand what happened. 

While sitting in the chair, I hear a mechanical clicking noise. It only takes the moment when I notice the slits in the places on my chair where my wrist and ankles are, that metal reinforced wrings click into place perfectly around those same places. “Perfect.” I say like it’s a swear, but even I know that a room this strange has to be heavily watched by someone or something in a distant room somewhere. I try to resist, but a few tries and I know they won’t give. They were made to resist these sorts of efforts to escape. What are their tests really? There’s no way a simple test like the ones they’ve done in the past would need these sorts of restrictions. 

Just as my brain strays to these thoughts that I would be killed if I thought of in real life a disembodied voice comes from a speaker I can’t even see. “Wave 1-5196, remain calm. If resistance occurs, then punishment will follow.” Even though it sounds very robotic, like everything else is this hell hole, the voice odl sound feminine. It’s the most femaline sounding voice I’ve heard come from someone or something in years. 

Barely two seconds later the door’s bolts are opened, even though I am still locked, and two men walk in. Following them are three large machines. They are lined up in a straight line on the left side of my chair. 

The one closest to my head has a large screen in the middle that is currently dark. On the bottom there is a hook that is the resting place of on circle shaped devices with small spikes on the inside. Connected to this circular device are three wires, all varying in color, blue, yellow, red. 

The one that seems closer to my mid-section has a dark screen as well. But this one has had two items attached to it by wired of all colors. One is a large band harness also spiked on the inside. The next is something that reminds me of the gloves they sometimes would give us when handling weapons from Earth. It doesn’t have spikes on the inside, but still wires. 

The third machine, that is down by my legs, has a single arm. On the end it has a small circular device attached to it. It still has wires, but they reach all through the arm and into the main part of the machine, that also has a screen that can be found in the middle, and like all the others, it’s dark. 

One man walks around the back of each machine and makes the screens light up, somehow by messing with the buttons. What is on them I don’t understand. There are survey lines, straight lines, and something that seems like a form of language, that I have not been taught to read. 

The other man walks around to my right side, walking in such a weird way so his coat won’t wrinkle. The man by the machine first hands him the glove-like looking item, and the man next to me straps it on my left hand. Next comes the other item attached to the second machine, and it finds it’s new resting place poking into my sides. I try to avoid breathing or moving, but everytime I move a millimeter I get both shocked and stabbed at the sametime. 

But what hurts me the most is the circular device that is hooked up the first machine. It goes around the top of my head. I feel the hot blood trickle it’s way down my forehead. It cuts deep into my forehead, temples, and back of my head. It almost feels like it's pulsing, shaking, buzzing. 

When the men have finished with the machines they then proceed to strip me of all my clothes. With the many harnesses and restrictions around me it is hard for them to remove the old clothing. When they become frustrated, they just rip it off. 

The final thing they do is pull in what looks like a human, but is made of metal, and shines in the white light of the room. They turn it on and walk away. Walk out into the hallways. Lock me in. Naked, and surrounded by artifical torture. Suddenly what reminds me of windows raises, but all I see is a reflection of my own body in the glass. Before the “tests” begin I get one good final look at the blood dripping from just about everywhere on my body. 

The first process of the test is to give me multiple shots that heighten my senses in different parts of my body. Two in my head, one per temple, I instantly feel an increased amount of pain each second the spikes pulse in my head. Another shot in my hand that doesn’t bring with it any pain. One in my chest, I feel my heartbeat quicken, ensuring I’m awake. One very painful shot in the groin that instantly gives me a new and unfamiliar feeling that I am unable to place. And the two final ones in my two shoulders. The robot waits for each syringe to empty before taking every large need out. 

The second step is to apparently put me in as much pain as possible. The jabs to my head, stomach, and hand all come at different times, repeating over and over again, and with every minute of stabs from all the spikes, their machines’ screens take note. And as if the robotic arm didn’t receive the right information, it starts sending shocks all the way from my thigh to each of my toes, these hurt as well. 

Once that is over, the robotics nurse dabs something right above my eyebrows. I can barely keep my eyes open anymore. But the “test” keeps me awake and alert. 

Apparently the robotic torture device can talk, “Now we must take samples to put into study in our labs. If any sample is found faulty or a mistake, it is punishable by death.” I don’t understand what they will need the samples for. But apparently this hunk of metal does. 

It plucks a hair from my head with so much force I feel like a majority of my hair might be missing. I feel every fiber being yanked from my scalp.  It puts it into a containing unit. It then uses a knife like item to slice something from the inside of my cheek. It puts that into its own containing unit. It pulls out a tooth from the bottom row and stores it. It rips one finger nail clean off, and stores it without any regard for my bleeding. It then used some sort of machine to take a sample from inside me. It takes the liquid it finds and stored is in a new containing unit. And with that I am done. 

The serum to keep me awake soon wears off, leaving me unable to move. The window like mirror closes. All the machines and the robot are removed from the room. I am dressed by two people, but they aren’t gentle. Clothing almost put me through as much pain as the actual test. One of these people instructs me that, “For the following three days that the data we collected will be analyzed. You will stay in this room, receiving healing serums 3 times a day. When the data is done with the analysis process you will follow it to be examined by the supreme commander. He will then decide if you are worthy or not of being put through the candidate trails.” 

I’m injected with my first found of healing serums, and then am left restricted. I drift off to a dreamless sleep in the instant I am left alone. 

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