Ryker Wave 1-8372

3 1 0

Platform 1, Room W2-4 Males

Everyone in the cafeteria goes silent. Everyone stares at each other, looking at the new waves that have entered into the room. There are wave 1 girls. 

It’s not that we’ve never seen wave girls from our Stations, but it’s the fact that they’re letting us sit in the cafeteria together, at tables together. 

Us wave boys were appointed to the cafeteria first, so naturally, we’d sat at all the tables, assuming that no one else would be joining us. Now, we see that that’s not the case. We stare at the wave girls and they stare back at us, realizing that for the first time, all of the wave 1s, girls and boys, are in the same room. And it looks like we’ll be sitting at tables together. 

“Don’t just stand there. Find a seat!” one of the soldiers yell at the wave girls. Quickly and hesitantly, the wave girls get up and scramble to find a seat. They look uncomfortable at the fact that they’re sitting directly next to some of us. 

Once all the waves are seated, the soldiers stare down at us, stern faced. 

“I’m sure all of you remember the testings that took place yesterday in the labs,” the soldier who’d yelled moments before says. At this, more than half of the waves flinch. “Those testings were done to determine whether or not you’d comply with our wishes, and some of you, failed.” 

The stern face on the soldier's face seems to run a terrifying tremor throughout the waves in the cafeteria. We’re all sitting in anticipation, wondering what he’ll say next. 

“Those of you that failed, have proven that you are not righteous waves. There’s only one option left for you. We’ll see to those that have failed at approximately two and half hours from now. You are dismissed.” 

The soldiers leave, leaving the wave boys and wave girls alone. Suddenly, a riot seems to break out. Waves start crying, realizing their fate, and others sit completely still, emotionless. I’m among the crowd of emotionless waves. 

“They’re going to kill us!” one of the wave boys yell. He’s not in my room, so I’m assuming that he’s in one of the lower Stations. 

The other waves scream, the terror enveloping their voices. I scan the room, looking at the terrified faces of the waves, and although I feel pity for them, part of me wonders if they were really this ignorant. There was obviously a greater purpose to the testings that took place yesterday than simply making sure all of us were functioning properly. 

All of this screaming is making my ears hurt, and I can’t bear to see it when people cry. I always have to resist the urge to tell waves to be quiet when they’re crying or in agony, simply because I’ve trained myself not to let those emotions loose. 

I get up, being the first wave to exit the cafeteria, and head back into my respective room. I can feel the many pairs of eyes on me as I leave the room, probably some of thinking that I’m a jackass for not staying behind and crying in agony with them, but I’m fairly positive that I will not be killed. 

Unlike some of the other waves, I was compliant yesterday. I followed the procedures that were given, and although it was painful, I gritted my teeth and tried not to make a sound. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, but simply was doing it for my own dignity. 

Once I’m out of the cafeteria and the door has shut behind me, blocking out the agonized cries of the waves who know they’ll be dead by the next morning, I head back to my room. The silence is peaceful and calming. 

Even with everything that’s going on, I feel oddly at peace. I know the other waves in my room think of me as odd. I never participate in their stupid antics, or make jokes, or even talk, but that’s not because I don’t want to, it’s because I don’t feel the need to. 

I can’t tell just how long I’ve been in this room, when I hear a loud knock on the door. 

“Wave 1-5196, step out of the room. We have an assignment for you.” 

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