1 - The Big Apple

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[Este's POV]

'So how are you finding the 'Big Apple' girls?' the female interviewer asked intriginly. 

'I mean we've only been here for a week but we are liking it so far, everyone seems so nice and lovely. I love everyones accents, I'd try to do an american accent but it would suck' I replied smiling to the large audience staring at me. Our schedules have been super busy since being in New York as soon as we got here everyone was interested in us. 

'Thats good to hear, how about you all try an American accent?'

'I like sausages,' Madison said in a not-so-great Texas accent which recieved numerous laughs from the audience.

'Arctic Monkeys are the best band ever,' Emilia added in a very good American accent.

'Have you been practising Emilia, that was so good!' the interviewer smilied and clapped along with the auidence.

'I love America' I uttered in accent which sounded much more Austrailian than American which also gained laughs from the audience.

'It's been nice chatting with you girls and we look forward to hearing some of your music when it comes out over here, Rose Gold everybody!' the interviewer smiled a toothy grin as she clapped along with the audience. 'Still to come after the break, we have the rock heart throbs that are The Strokes. They are performing their new single', the background music began to play as the show went to a break. 

We signed a few posters and took a few photos with some fans before being leaded to backstage. 'I can't believe The Strokes are performing!' Suki screamed as she tried to control herself. 'I really like their album, I must say the members arent too hard on the eye eith-'. Before Suki could finish five guys who looked similar ages to us walked past us. We glanced at them, one of the members with dark brown curly hair sent a nod with a small smile towards us. I looked at Suki and I could tell she was very excited. 'We've got to see them perform' she dragged us towards the set where we stood.

'Welcome back folks! The Strokes are hear to perform their new single Last Nite, take it away boys!' The eyebrows shot up as they began playing their song, it was different and I liked it. As the lead singer began to sing the words, I looked towards Suki who was singing along.

'They are hot! This song is fucking amazing!' Emilia screamed as nodded her head in time with the beat. I had to agree with her, their sound was nothing like what I'd heard before. It was unique. The lead singer caught my eye as the song slowly faded out. We clapped and cheered as soon as the song finished. 

The lead singer lit up a cigarette, 'Thank you' he said softly into the mircophone before inhaling the smoke from his cigarette. 

Authors Note 

Sorry the first chapter is a little short, there will be a flashback in the next chapter. Please vote for the next chapter :)

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