2 - Mysterious Man

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The ringing of the phone echoed through our small London flat which we all shared, startling me from my deep slumber. I winced at the loud noise; rubbing sleep from my eyes. 'Will someone get that?' I shouted loud enough so the girls would hear it. I sat up in my bed which I certainly didn't want to leave, instantly regretting it as the early morning sun blinded me through the blinds. 'I'll get it!' I heard Madison reply. I swung my legs over my soft bed, adjusting my night shirt while walking towards my door.

'Girls, Steve wants us at his office at 10 am!' Madison yelled making me wonder what the meeting was about. It must be important for a few reasons, as for one it is strange as Steve has called us this early as he loves his sleep as much as everyone else. Two, he usually visits our flat. I quickly checked the time on my phone realising it was already 9:20 am meaning I only have half an hour to get ready as Steve's office was 10 minutes away. I went to the bathroom to freshen up then went to my wardrobe to decide what to wear. I decided on wearing black skinny jeans pairing it with a white and navy striped top. I sat down at my dresser and brushed my long blonde hair. I was lucky as my hair was naturally straight so I didn't have to worry about styling it. I quickly applied a light layer of foundation and some mascara. I then walked back over to my wardrobe, slipping on my black leather jacket and doc's.

I grabbed my phone from my dresser and slipped it in my pocket. I walked through to the kitchen where Madison and Emilia were waiting. I didn't have enough time for breakfast so I picked up an apple from the fruit bowl which was on the table. We only had one minute before we had to leave the house but Suki was still getting ready. 'Suki hurry up!' I screamed. The door burst open revealing a very stressed looking Suki.

'I'm so sorry guys, my hair wouldn't straighten' she replied putting on her trench coat.

'To Steve's office we go,' Emilia added cheerfully whilst picking up her car keys off the side as she walked passed. We all scrambled into Emilia's small red car.

'What do you think the meeting could be about?' Madison asked whilst biting on her chipped nails. 'Do you think its bad? Because we rarely go to his office.'

'I wouldn't worry about it, it's not long till we find out anyway' Emilia replied while concentrating on the road.

Within no time we had arrived at Steve's office, for some reason I had a good feeling about this meeting. We walked through the tall office blocks, being instantly greeted by Suzie the Receptionist. We all walked straight to Steve's office with one minute remaining. Once we had reached the black door, I knocked once at exactly 10 am.

'Come in girls' Steve shouted loud enough so that we could hear him. We all eagerly entered his office sitting down on the four chair that surrounded his desk. 'Morning girls, you were right on time!' Steve smiled making me feel less anxious. 'I have came up with a great offer for you, you've done so well in Europe with your album. I think it would be a good choice to go across the pond and release your album in America.'

As soon as the last few words came out of his mouth, my jaw dropped open. This was such a huge thing for our band, we were currently doing amazing in Europe. Our album went to number one and it was for five weeks, our stadium tours were sold out in less than ten minutes. This was a dream come true, I never thought posting covers of songs online would get us this far. We have met so many amazing people along the way, people who I dream of meeting. We have achieved so much in three years and I couldn't be more thankful.

'Are you being serious?' I screamed with excitement; I looked at the rest of the girls and I've never seen them happier.

Steve nodded his head whilst smiling, 'I've got the plane tickets to prove it.' Steve handed us the tickets, my eyes widened.

'New York City!' Suki's smile was so huge, I bet her cheeks were hurting. 'This is going to be amazing!'

-End of Flashback-

'We've got to meet them, I wonder where they are going after the show' Suki smiled trying to contain her excitement. They were very attractive and seemed like chilled guys I can understand her excitement.

The host said goodbye to the audience meaning the show had ended while Suki was still admiring The Strokes. We all began to walk backstage however we had to nearly drag Suki. The rest of the girls went to get all their belongings from the dressing room while went to grab a bottle of water off the refreshments table. I was scanning the table something bumped into me nearly knocking me over.

'I'm sorry, I didn't see you there' a very tall mysterious looking man peered down at me, I felt his burning gaze. I then realised it was the lead singer of The Strokes. Our eyes met and couldn't but feel intimidated from his stare. He seemed mysterious and intriguing.

'No worries,' I smiled looking at the very attractive man standing in front of me.

I was about to walk off when he stopped me. 'My names Julian by the way but you can call me Jules' he smirked making me blush a light shaded of pink.

'Mines Este' I replied shyly, still feeling intimidated under his stare.

'Well it was very nice meeting you, Este' I smiled before walking off quickly. I didn't know him, why did he make me feel this way?


'I still can't believe you spoke to him, I wouldn't know what to say' Suki said excitedly, 'or I would have just stood there in awe.' We continued walking down the streets of New York looking for a bar which we liked the look of. We eventually found one which looked decent looking called the 'Little Branch.' We walked in looking around the dark coloured bar when those same eyes met mine once again.

Authors Note

The main character is Este if you didn't know so it's in her pov and I will say if it's in someone elses.

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