3 - 'People don't drink for the taste honey'

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He continued to look at me while I made my way to a booth with the girls. His stare made me giddy, I sat down but I couldn't help but look at him. A smirk played on his lips, he was so intimidating. 'Este are you even listening?' Emilia's sharp tone knocked me out of my daydreaming, 'I said do you want the usual?' Emilia asked much more nicer as I was actually looking at her this time. I smiled and nodded, she then walked towards the bar to get our drinks. I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head, but I forced myself not to look up. I knew it was his eyes.
Emilia interrupts us from our chat as she settles our drinks down on the table, I grab my the glass and then take a sip from the fruity-goodness. 'Never guess who I spoke to at the bar..' she trailed off earning questionable looks from Madison and Suki but I already knew who she was going to say. '..The Strokes', she smiled, taking a sip from her alcoholic beverage. 'They told me we should go over and talk to them', she added. Within no time, Suki was stood up clutching onto her drink and already striding over towards them. I laughed nervously, grabbing my non-alcoholic drink and trailed behind them.

The girls were indulged in conversation within minutes after we all introduced ourselves, I tried to avoid Julian's gaze although I could feel it lingering on me. I clearly see Suki was having a ball of a time as she was twirling her blonde hair around her finger while she spoke to Nikolai. I took a sip of my drink while I listened in on the conversation between Madison and Nick.

'Would you like me to add a drop of vodka to your boring drink?' I looked up towards those dark eyes that constantly stared at me making me feel anxious. He smirked while grabbing a small bottle from his jacket.

'No thanks, I don't really drink', I smiled shyly sipping on my 'boring' drink.

'And why's that Este?' he made my name sound hot and exotic when it escaped his mouth making me weak at the knees.

'I don't really like the taste', I added looking at my my glass in my hand.

'People don't drink for the taste, honey', he smirked pouring a few drops into my glass completely ignoring what I just said. I didn't know whether to find his cockiness annoying or sexy but I did know the pet name made me loose myself.

I gently brought the glass to my lips and took a small sip of the liquid. I instantly felt a kick as the warm liquid travelled down my throat. I crinkled my nose in disgust, 'how do you guys drink this?' I asked earning a throaty chuckle from Julian in reply. He then took a sip from his small bottle, however his face didn't show any sign of disgust.

All of a sudden he leaned in, his mouth near my ear. 'Your accent is sexy', he whispered, his warm breath tingling my skin. I didn't know what to really say, so I replied with a 'thanks'. My voice sounded weak and vulnerable, causing me to face-palm mentally. He couldn't know he had this effect on me, I mean why did he? I have only met him, I barely know him. I was tugged by him as everyone began walking to the dance-floor.

'Dance with me', he smirked as he offered a hand. So many things were happening in little time, my mind couldn't take it all in. I debated for a few seconds before gently taking his hand. His was so large and rough in contrast to mine. Our hands interlocked, his rough skin rubbing against my soft skin. He smiled before swaying to the music. I copied his exact movements, I wouldn't class myself as a great dancer.


It felt like minutes but it had clearly been hours, we had stopped dancing along time ago and everyone was sitting in a booth. I didn't know why I was so intimidated by Julian, he had definitely grown on in me in a space of a few hours of dancing and spiked fruity drinks. I was sitting next to Julian in the booth, his arm was slung over my shoulders.

Emilia and Albert were all over each other like a rash, but nobody said anything. It was nice going out for a change and making new friends as recently all we have been doing is gigs and recording. Suki and Nikolai were also very close which made me smile because it was a dream come true for her.

'What are you smiling at?' Julian chuckled taking another sip from his glass.

'Nothing really, it's just nice to see everyone happy' I smiled looking up at him.

I rubbed my head as it started to ache terribly causing me to wince. I looked towards Nick who was checking his phone. 'It's 3:46 am, I think its time to call it night. Especially for Este', Nick chuckled shoving his phone in his pocket, motioning towards me.

'She's always been such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol', Emilia added who had just about pulled away from Albert, her lips clearly swollen. Everyone laughed at Emilia's comment while I just rolled my eyes.

We all grabbed our belongings as we walked out of the club, we then realised the girls had to go left and the boys had to go right. We all exchanged sloppy-drunk hugs and numbers so we could keep in touch.

'You're not as scary as I thought you were', I laughed as Julian pulled me into a hug. My head was pressed into his chest due to the height difference between us, but I wasn't complaining. He smelt heavily of smoke, alcohol and cologne. He chuckled in reply to my comment.

'I'll text you', he stated looking down at me as we parted from our embrace. I nodded before walking in the opposite direction.

We slowly walked back to our apartment, everyone clearly giddy from what events had happened. Suki and Emilia wouldn't shut up about Albert and Nikolai, but it wasn't annoying. It was nice to see them happy and drunk. The walk from the bar to our apartment was around twenty minutes.

When we eventually got home, Emilia, Madison and Suki all went straight to their rooms. I decided on getting a bottle of water and tablets for my headache from the kitchen. I slowly made my way up the stairs when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I smiled at the screen realising it was from Julian.

From Julian

Goodnight babe xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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