the date! Or the date?

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(Next day)

The next day you and scourge were talking and then he brought up the date you were suppose

"Hey ( y/n) wanna go to the place we first met" you thought for a second because it was a nice place and when your ex took you it was your first time . " okay sounds good to me " you smiled " hey hecsaba be our waiter "! He yelled " no! It would be awkward " she yelled " well fine then you can walk there and get fired and I'm gonna eat all your secret stash of twix " the out of no where she ran out from the back with her waitress outfit " let's go have your have your date already"!

( at the restaurant)

At the restaurant you were having a great time and you already ordered your drinks and then he looked up away from you and his face turn to happy to shocked then you heard a yell " SCOURGE THE HEDGEHOG!" It was Fiona fox stomping towards you and him he quickly got up and walk to her " I thought you loved me !! And your going with this nobody "! She pointed at you" Fiona we have been done for weeks and I'm done with you." He said trying to keep calm everyone in the restaurant was watching "I LOVE YOU AND YOUR GONNA SAY WERE DONE ALL WE BEEN THROUGH WHY DID YOU BREAKUP WITH ME!!! THIS HURTS ME THIS MUCH!!!" She grabbed a very hot cup of liquid and splashed it on him he grunt in pain quickly wiping it off opened with angry eyes " YOU DON'T KNOW WHY I BROKE UP WITH YOU YA DUMB BITCH LETS GO BACK TO MEMORY LANE YOU WERE BACK MESSIN WITH SONIC AGAIN THEN YOU MAKE OUT WITH MIGHTY OF ALL PEOPLE YOU BETRAYED ME! NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE YOU WHORE!, SLUT!" And she was speechless with tear in her eyes and ran out the restaurant . " scourge you gonna be okai ?" You whispered he turned around and realized you heard it " I'm... Sorry I can't do this right now" he left the restaurant your face was in shock hecsaba walked up to you " go after him girl get outta here he might be headed to the park"

" how do you know " " thats where he always go when he's that pissed " you nodded and quickly left the restaurant.

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