Chapter 12 Rescue

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Klaus, Elijah, and I slowly walk through the woods making sure not to make any noticeable sounds as we go. There's a loud crack, causing us to look in the direction it came in. Klaus moves first but I push him back causing him to let out a low growl. I follow after the noise my eyes searching everything that looks out of place. They follow after me put I put my hand up to tell them to stop moving.

I glance around, the only sound that I hear now is birds chirping off in the distance and the sound of crickets chirping. A rabbit shoots out of nowhere speeding off in the distance.

"What are you playing at Elias?" Klaus questions stepping in front of me.

His eyes are dark, as he looks at me not amused. I say nothing my eyes looking away not really wanting to start right now. Elijah grabs onto Klaus pulling him away from me, Elijah pointing his index finger at him. While Elijah's right hand is on his hip.

"Niklaus do not start it right now." Elijah's tone is full of irritation.

"He's playing with us." I let out a laugh.

"If I was playing with you Klaus Hayley would already be dead." I answer, triggering them to turn and face me.

"Not another word." Elijah speaks up his eyes on me but his words meant for Klaus.

"I'm not playing with you..." I begin, "As much as I hate you Klaus I would never hurt Hayley because she's pregnant."

"So are you saying if she wasn't carrying my child you would go after her?" Klaus challenges, moving towards me.

I roll my eyes, this whole paranoid thing is really starting to get on my nervous. I step towards him shifting my weight with each step.

"Yes," I honestly reply earning a glare from Elijah.

"But she's not," I continue, "so I'm not going to lay a finger on her. As much as I would love to see you suffer, for all that you have done."

"Something you're father would have said," Klaus words cut through me like a knife. "if he was alive."

"Niklaus," Elijah's voice comes out like a warning.

I walk off into the woods leaving them alone to talk or whatever. My footsteps grow louder as my feet crunch on a bunch of different coloured leafs. I stop as I see a empty truck sitting on a abandon dirt road. I slowly check out the truck making sure this isn't a set up. I open it up expecting everything that I see. I feel a present behind me which causes me to turn around to see Klaus and Elijah.

Klaus jumps onto the truck smelling all of the dirty clothes that are lying in the back. He throws the clothes down letting out a growl.

"What?" I ask, knowing that he's picked up a sent.

"Do you know who owns this car?" Elijah questions.

"My first hybrid from Mystic Falls, the one that turned against me. We ended up disagreeing when he stabbed me in the back." Klaus tells jumping out of the truck.

"Why do I not believe you?" I ask, "Oh that's right you probably did something to deserve it."

Elijah looks at Klaus, his face expression telling me he's trying to figure it out.

"There was this thing with his mom." Klaus adds on a smirk on his pink lips.

And it hits me straight on, he killed his mom. Why am I not surprised?

"You killed his mum." Elijah voices his voice growing uneasy.

"He needed to be taught a lesson." Klaus replies.

"You have put Hayley's life in danger."

"So you do care for her..." Klaus buzzes getting into Elijah's face.

"Well go on then I've sampled what she has to offer... and let me tell you she was exquisite." Playing games really Klaus?

"So help me Nik-" Klaus interrupts.

"So help me." Klaus barks.

"Elijah let's just go get Hayley." I cut in, "Klaus can go after his problem."

Klaus glares at me but I grab Elijah. I turn around and walk in the other way we came from. Elijah walks behind me his footsteps not being heard with any movement he makes. I point up ahead seeing a figure behind a tree, it catches Elijah's attention. We walk towards the figure, all of a sudden Hayley steps out with a knife and I catch her hand. Elijah steps towards her and Hayley lets out a smile, as I let go of her hand taking the knife with me.

"I'm sorry I thought you were in danger?" Elijah teases.

She pulls him into a hug as I watch them carefully and quietly. It reminds me of a time when Elisa and I played a game of hide and seek, she ended up getting lost. But I found her a couple of minutes later.


"Elise," I say trying to find her in the dark house.

I hear a loud noise which causes me to run after her. I take each step quietly as I turn the corner to see if she's there. She turns left and I know she's going to get lost. I follow after her not really caring how loud I'm being right now. When I turn the corner I see nothing but a empty hallway and five different room and another hallway to the left and right.

"Great," I puff out, "this palace has fifty or more rooms. She could be anywhere."

"Elise?" I call out in a panic.

I hear nothing but the rain hitting against the window.

"Elise?" I call out again.

Still nothing but the rain.

I curse low under my breath as I hear a cry escape from one of the rooms. I run down the hall, stopping at the last room.

"Elise?" I ask, opening the door.

Thunder makes a loud crack as lighting lights up the dark room. I see Elise sitting in a corner. I walk over to her picking her up off the ground.

"Your okay," I whisper as she hugs onto me.

"Can we play again?" She ask as she wipes away her tears.

"I don't-"

"Please," She pleads.

Why does she have to be so innocent? I guess it comes with being ten.

"But aren't you tired? I also don't want you getting lost again." I tell her as she looks at me with her green eyes.

"But I want to be strong like you."

I let out a laugh, caving in. "Fine, but not here, we'll do it upstairs where the lightings better."

End Of Flashback

"I found my people Elijah." Hayley blurts out.

"We can stay then." I answer, "Find out more about them."


A/N- So what do you guys think of Elias trying to work with Klaus and Elijah? And how he's trying to put everything in the past kinda? Dedicated to @dyIanobrien

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