Chapter 17

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8 Years Ago~ (Taehyung's Story)

Taehyung was sitting in an arm chair in a patient's room. He had his sketchbook out, placed on his lap.

Young Taehyung: Don't move... I can't draw you if you keep moving.

He said in a demanding voice while drawing.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): Hahah. Okay, sorry.

She smiled at him.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): Will you draw just me or the hospital bed as well?

She said joking while trying her best not to move.

Young Taehyung: Just you. Actually, just your face not the whole you.

 Taehyung's phone rang.

Young Taehyung: Excuse me.

He said in a French accent making his mom chuckle. He put the pencil away and took the phone. He picked up. His mom patiently waited for him to finish the call.

Young Taehyung: Okay, I'll be out in 10 minutes.

His mom's smile faded away as he said that. He hung up and looked at her.

Young Taehyung: Dad will come and pick me up now. He made dinner a little earlier than usual.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): He won't come to see me?

Young Taehyung: He said that if he comes he won't go back home. That he misses you and would want to stay here more. But he'll come some other time.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): I know he will. Tell him and Dahyun I said 'hi'.

She said as Taehyung put his sketchbook in his school bag.

Young Taehyung: I'll come tomorrow. 

He said as he got up from the chair.

Young Taehyung: I have to finish your portrait and color it in.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): Will you draw me with or without hair?

Young Taehyung: Without, that's how you look now.

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): I know, but I was prettier with hair. That's why....

Young Taehyung: You're still pretty.

He walked towards the door.

Young Taehyung: I'll come tomorrow after school. I promise. 

Taehyung's Mom (Mrs. Kim): You better!

Young Taehyung: Bye! See you!

He left thinking he would see his mom again tomorrow. He left thinking he would finish his drawing tomorrow. He left thinking he would keep his promise. The left without knowing that today was.... The last time he'll see her. He left without knowing what tomorrow would bring him. He just... left.

~The Next Day~

 Taehyung got home after school. Visiting hours at the hospital changed for some reason so he came back home before going to the hospital. He laid down on the couch, closing his eyes.

???: Taehyung... ?

He heard a shaky voice call his name. He opened his eyes and looked at him. What he saw before him was something he never saw before.

Young Taehyung: Dahyun? Why are you crying?? 

Dahyun's eyes were completely swollen with dried tears rolling down her cheeks. She sat next to him, just staring at him.

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