Chapter 1:

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THIS BOOK IS FOR CLOWNING! The plot belongs to clowning. I just wrote it based off of what I was told that Clowning wanted.

This book includes: death, magic, betrayal, tyranny, and possibly other things of this nature. If you are not comfortable with that, I would suggest not reading this book. If you are ok with that that feel free to proceed.



             This story is one of magic, family, jealousy, and betrayal. Our story takes place in a long, long, time ago. In a land that we know as home, here in the Elven kingdom. This story is about two siblings. Royal siblings, they were at once our king, and our queen.

            Their names were King Elias, and Queen Thea. But, where we are starting, they were known as Prince Elias and Princess Thea.

             As children, Elias and Thea often spent time together, whether it be a picnic in the gardens, or a friendly game of tag inside of the palace. They were joined together at the hip.

             To say that the prince and princess were beautiful children, would have been an understatement. They were extremely beautiful children. Elias with his snow colored skin, rich ash brown hair, and golden brown eyes that were adorned with flecks of green, with child-like features. Along with Thea who had dark brown, gently curled hair, that went to her feet. She had her mother's corn blue eyes that lay atop her snow skin and amidst her child-like features.

             Of course, being descendants of royalty, and of high class, their clothing was similar to the beauty of the young prince and princess. But, as beautiful as they are, the wearers of the clothing were always much more beautiful.

               Elias's clothing of a white robe that held a strip of a gradient light blue in the center to an offset rose white. At his waist, a dark belt, crowned with a red stone held in a golden embroidery. Draped over the young prince's shoulders, an embroidered color meeting at the center with fine gems. Atop his head, a golden, spiked crown lay, with precious diamonds at the tips.

                 Thea's clothing held in similar standards, black wristlets with golden crossing atop. Her sleeves made of a shimmering white lace with a floral pattern, meeting at the back as if they were fairy wings. Her dress, shoulder less. Atop of her collar bone and stretching at the bottom of her shoulders lay gold embroidery. A similar embroidery laying at the top of her waist, being met with a sheer white lace which stretched to her belly button. From there lay a gently cascading white skirt of her dress that looked as if it was tied into a knot at the front. The skirt waterfalling out gracefully with gems sew in and golden embroidery amongst a sea of sheer lace that danced at her feet.

                  Amongst the children having beautiful clothing and appearances, they both had beautiful personalities. Elias was smart, despite the fact that the young prince was swayed more often than not to listen to his heart instead of the young boy listening to his head; amongst extremely caring. Whereas the young Thea was more calculated than her older brother, to whom she held in the highest regards. As children the two were incredibly playful and at times mischievous. Although not often were they mischievous seeing as how easily anxious Elias would get. The two, whether it be thanks to their beauty or ranks, had manipulative tendencies to them.

                    But, dear reader, do keep in mind that this is when they were children, as people change over time.


A/N: Oki thank you for reading this! I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. This is more of an introduction chapter and it is a bit shorter than what I would have normally made it. But none the less I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. I will try and make the chapters longer as they go.

Also this book may change at any point. Since the idea for the plot and characters are Clowning's. So, if they do not like it, I will take it down or edit it so that they like it seeing as it is their book and that I am just writing it for them!

Thank you for reading!

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