Chapter 2:

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Oki so I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the compliments! I would just like to say again that this is a requested book by Clowning!

Please enjoy!!!


(Story main POV-Thea)

(Current POV-Their mother)

             "Your Highness?" The journalist asked.

             "Hmmmh...?" I hummed as if to ask what they wanted.

             "Could you possible tell me what your son and daughter were like as children?" the journalist asked.

              "Of course," I tell the person who is the self proclaimed journalist of this story while I adjusted my skirt.

                             The journalist waves their hand as if to say to start talking.

              "Oh yes. Well, as children Thea and Elias were quite close. Thea looked up to Elias as a role model of what a royal should be. At the same time, Elias never looked down on Thea. He always thought too well of his family and Thea to do that. He never thought of her as his little sister. He thought of her as Thea, his best friend, who, just so happened to be his little sister," I explain calmly.

              "Yes, thank you for that," the journalist says to me slowly, as if to stall and look for their words that the wanted to say to me.

              I simply give a small and polite nod of my head as if I was to say 'you're quite welcome'.

               "But uh, could you maybe tell me about some of the things that your daughter and your son did? Like you're umh, fondest memories!" The journalist exclaimed, finally regaining their trial of thought.

                "My... fondest memories?" I ask while muffling a small chuckle into my glove.

                "Why uh, yes, that is if you don't mind sharing," the journalist says while stuttering as if they were scared that they might have offended me.

                 My eyes widened at the thought and I quickly assured the journalist that it was not like that while saying, "No, no. It's not like I don't want to say what my favorite memories are. It's just that all of my memories of them are my favorites."

                 "Although...," I say dragging out the word. At that, the journalist is quickly sitting on the edge of their seat, ready to jot down every single word that I was about to say.

                 "I think that my favorite memory, if I had to choose, would be one of their picnics in the garden," I say while placing a finger on my lip, trying to remember more of what happened.

                 "Elias was around 7 years old and Thea was about 5. Thea was dead set on the idea that she was going to throw this tea party in the gardens. I'm guessing that she saw some of the royal garden parties that we hosted and she decided that she was going to throw one of her own. She got out her best dress that she owned... it was white,"

                The journalist put up his finger as if they wanted to say something, "if I may is it white with golden embroidery and floral bits?"

                "Why yes. Well, Thea decided that it was her best dress and that she was to wear it to her very own tea party. The day before she decided that she wanted it, she came up to me and asked me to help her make some invitations for this tea party. She invited all of her dolls and Elias. She said that it was a kids' tea party......."

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