Books and Boys

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It's been ten minutes since the news report, everyone except Michael is confused and scared. "Is this some kind of Arizonian thing you guys do when bands come into town?" Ashton asked again. I groaned and put my face in my hands. "For the upteenth time NO this is real this is serious. We've never dealt with something like this EVER. Now would you quit asking."

Tiffany made a noise, probably horrified with the way I just spoke to "Ashy-poo". Under normal circumstances I'd be horrified with the way just spoke to him too, but this wasn't the least bit normal. I mean ZOMBIES of all things to ruined our big day for meeting the boys zombies were it. It couldn't have been something less scary like I don't know a giant meteor crashing into earth.

"I've no clue why you guys are acting this way I mean come on zombies!"

Pulling my hands away from my face I look over at Michael. He's peering through the curtains outside, jumping up and down with joy.

Luke had left the room immediately to call his mom. Calum was in corner arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed an angry look on his face. "Michael please move away from the window and stop bouncing," I say, before putting my head back in my hands.

Once again I pick my head up when I hear the sliding of the kitchen door signaling that Luke is back in the room. The look on his face is all we need to know it's not just an Arizona thing.

"She was crying, it's complete chaos over there and she was crying. She was telling me how glad she is to know I'm safe. I tried to ask her if it was like this anywhere else but the connection dropped before I could and I can't call anyone else." Luke said slowly talking more to the carpet than us.

Michael with a more serious expression on his face walked over to Luke and wrapped his arms around him. An unintentional squeal slipped out of me at the total Muke moment.

"Are you sure you don't want to call your mom Sin," Tiffany asked me for the third time.

"Nah, Mom is a total zombie lover she watches anything zombie related and even created a plan in case something like this happened," I say smiling slightly while getting up off the couch. "She'll be fine, it's us I'm worried about."

Walking around Mikey and Luke, who are still hugging, I enter the kitchen opening the fridge, pantry and cupboards. "Isn't now kind of an odd time to be making food." Tiffany asks as she walks into the kitchen.

Ignoring her I take inventory of all the food I have.

"Oh shit," I shout.

"What is it now Sin run out of your favorite hot pockets?"

I turn towards Tiffany and step back to show her what it is. "Tiff we have four teenaged boys who are still growing and will be very hungry. Then there's us two which adds up to six people. How are we suppose to split up a box of poptarts, two cans of diet pepsi and half a bag of doritos!"


"So where are we going," Ashton asks.

"Guys I'm hungry." Luke.

"Shut up Luke." Michael.

"You think you're cool you aren't shut up." Calum.

"Ma'am again please stop trying to put your hands in my pants!" Ashton.

"All of you shut up, Tiff get back in your seat jesus christ! Michael stop flicking Lukes ear! GUYS! Aren't you worried about dying there's people eating other people out here and we have to go out there to get food, doesn't that scare you a little?" I yell causing them to go quiet. That is until Michael hits Luke on the back of his head causing them to fight again.

"Fucking shit!" I shout as I swerve around a car that was barreling towards us.


Rolling my eyes I pull into the Target across the street from Desert Sky. I don't really park I more of stop the car in the middle of the lot. Unbuckling my seatbelt I look in the back seat, "Alright Tiff, Dad-Ash, Calum, you guys come with me."

"Hey! Why do we have to stay in the car," Michael yells.

Purring like a car engine Tiffany leans across Luke, puts her hand on Mikey's upper thigh and says, "Because babe, we wouldn't want anything to happen to that precious little red hair of yours."

It could just be me, although I'm sure it's not, but as Tiff talks, her hand slowly works it's way into Michael's inner thigh. He looks at Tiff and smiles nervously before placing her hands back in her lap.

"Okay on three," I say while grabbing the door handle, "Ash you get the bedding, batteries, and flashlights, the heavy duty ones. Calum you get non-perishable food items, like canned fruit and stuff, but don't get green beans or I'll leave you here."

"Get green beans I like green beans," Tiffany yells in his ear.

"Don't. Get. Green. Beans."


"Okay fine get them but don't let them touch other cans, they're probably what caused this mess. Tiff you go to the feminine area and get water also, the jugs not the small bottles. Don't worry about paying just take and go, ready? One. Two. Three!"

The four of us leap out the car and sprint towards the store. Inside is eerily quiet, we split up racing down separate aisles. I run past the shoe section, toy section and boy's clothing section coming to a stop right in the book area. Grabbing a cart conveniently left in the aisle I swipe all the books off the shelf. The Maze Runner, The Fault in Our Stars, Vampire Academy, Match, Forest of Hands and Teeth, Gracefully Grayson, all of it goes into the cart even 50 Shades of Grey. Although I had to stop and think about those.

Spinning the now half full, and quite heavy, cart around I push it back down to the shoe section grabbing two pairs of knock-off converse for Tiffany and I, plus a lovely pair of knee-high high heeled boots for myself. For the boys I grab one pair of airwalks in various shoe sizes, thank gosh I know their foot size.

Done with my shopping list I head towards where Ashton is, seeing as he probably needs help. I'm one aisle away when I hear him scream.

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